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IEEE Std N42.38 pdf free download

IEEE Std N42.38 pdf free download.Performance Criteria for Spectroscopy-Based Portal Monitors Used for Homeland Security.
5.1.3 Vehicle (includes road-transported containers)
Vehicle SRPMs shall provide a detection zone to ensure that the entire vehicle is monitored during passage. The distance between opposing detection assemblies (see Annex B), source to detection surface distance, dynamic testing speed, static measurement time, and detection zone bottom and top are stated in Table 2. If the distance between detection assemblies is fixed by the design of the SRPM, the center distance shall be used fbr testing.
5.1.4 Rail vehicle (includes rail-transported containers)
Rail vehicle SRPMs shall provide a detection zone that ensures that the entire rail vehicle is monitored as it passes through the detection zone (dynamic measurements). The distance between opposing detection assemblies, source to detection surface distance, dynamic testing speed, static measurement time, and detection zone bottom and top are stated in Table 2. If the distance between detection assemblies is fixed by the design of the rail monitor, the center distance shall be used for testing. For test purposes, the ground surface should be considered as the top of the rail.
NOTE—Rail cars can significantly reduce the measured radiation response during an occupancy such that the response is less than the stored background response (baseline suppression). This elThct could dynamically impact sensitivity. Tests for these effects are not included in this standard.
5.2 Physical configuration
Enclosure(s) provided for outdoor assemblies shall be designed to meet 1P54 classification as designated in IEC 60529. Verification is performed in 7.3.
The detection assemblies for road and rail vehicle monitoring may be subjected to vibration. SRPMs and installation techniques (e.g., concrete pads, support brackets) shall be designed to prevent mechanical transients from interfering with the operation of the detection system. Installation techniques shall be described in the manufacturer-provided documentation.
5.3 Radiological configuration
5.3.1 Requirements
Requirements of the radiological configuration arc as follows:
a) The user shall have the ability to display or save a spectrum.
b) The SRPM shall have the ability to internally store at least 1000 complete occupancy data files. For SRPMs that do not use occupancy sensors, the system shall have the ability to internally store 3 h of measurement data as defined in item c).
c) Each measurement or occupancy data file shall meet ANSI N42.42 requirements and contain as a minimum the following information. [Several validation tools are available to verify compliance with the ANSI N42.42 standard (e.g., https:/Jsecwww.jhuapl.eduin42/Account!LogOn).]
5.4 Indication and alarm features
5.4.1 Requirements
a) The SRPM shall provide an indication of its operational status and alarm condition, shall be capable of transmitting these signals to remote stations, and shall be designed to permit verification of visual and audible warning indicators (e.g., light test) without the use of radiation sources.
b) The user shall have the ability to select whether a status indication is visible at a location other than the user display (e.g., lamps or beacons at the detection assembly), and to select how an alarm resets either manually or automatically without user intervention.
c) Once an alarm is activated, the SRPM shall have the ability to accumulate further alarms or measurement results until the alarm is acknowledged or reset.
5.4.2 Test method
a) Verification shall include review of the manual, direct observation of the user display at the remote station, and performance of a test without the use of radiation sources.
b) Verification shall be by performance of the stated requirement.
c) Verify that further alarms or measurements take place while the system is in alarm.IEEE Std N42.38 pdf download.

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