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IEEE Std C63.14 pdf free download

IEEE Std C63.14 pdf free download.American National Standard Dictionary of Electromagnetic Compatility (EMC) including Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3).
4.6 absorption loss: That part of a transmission loss due to the dissipation or conversion of either sound or electromagnetic energy into other forms of energy, either within the transmission medium or attendant upon a reflection and interaction with matter.
4.7 activate: Apply power to the equipment under test (EUT); the EUT is running, but user-level communication is not occurring. For example, for a voice system after activation, the two ends of the link are synchronized, but no voice communication has begun. See also: initiate. (ANSI C63.17-2013)
4.8 air discharge method: A method of electrostatic discharge (ESD) testing in which the charged electrode of the ESD simulator approaches the equipment under test (EUT) or coupling plane regardless of the conductivity of the ESD receptor. The discharge is actuated by a spark in air to the EUT or the coupling plane. (ANSI C63.16-1993)
4.9 alternate test site: An alternate test site used for radiated electromagnetic interference (EMI) compliance testing and complying with the requirements in ANSI (‘63.4-2009. (ANSI C63.22-2004)
4.10 ambient level (electromagnetic): (A) The values of radiated and conducted signal and noise existing at a specified test location and time when the test sample is not activated. (ANSI C63.4-2009) (IEEE Standards Dictionary Online) (B) The magnitude of radiated and conducted signals and noise existing at a specific test location in the absence of signals from a test sample. (ANSI (‘63.5-2006)
NOTE—For example, atmospheric noise and signals from man-made and other natural sources all contribute to the ambient level. —
4.11 analysis of variance (ANO’A): A collection of statistical models and their associated procedures in which the observed variance is partitioned into components due to different explanatory variables. ANOVA is a general technique that can be used to test the hypothesis that the means among two or more groups are equal, under the assumption that the sampled populations are normally distributed. (ANSI C63.23-2012)
4.12 anechoic enclosure Iradio frequency (RF)1: An enclosure whose internal walls have low-reflection characteristics. (IEEE Siandards Dictionary Online) (ANSI C63. 19-2011)
NOTE—This implies that all six surfaces of the enclosure have low-reflection characteristics ftr incident waves. For audio use, the anechoic enclosure may not necessarily be a metallic enclosure; for RF applications, the anechoic enclosure is a shielded (against RF ingress or egress) metallic enclosurc. Both types of’ enclosures use absorbing material (suited to the frequency range of use) to implement the low-reflection characteristics desired. (ANSI (‘63.19-
4.13 anomah: An anomaly is a response of the system to extraneous conducted or radiated electromagnetic energy that involves degradation of the intended input-output relationship, by an amount and for a time duration, which is not explicitly permitted by the item specification or provided for in the applicable error budget. An aiionialv is also known as an improper response or a malfunction. (MIL-STD154 1A, 1987)
4.14 antenna: That part of a transmitting or receiving system that is designed to radiate or to receive electromagnetic waves. (IEEE Sid 1 45- 1993)
4.15 antenna bearnwidth: In a radiation pattern cut in a specific radiation plane containing the direction of the maximum of the lobe, the angle between the two directions in which the radiation power intensity is one half the maximum value. (IEEE Standards Dictionary Online) See also: half-power beamwidth.IEEE Std C63.14 pdf download.

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