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IEEE Std C62.59 pdf free download

IEEE Std C62.59 pdf free download.Test Methods and Preferred Values for Silicon PN-Junction Clamping Diodes.
2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they must be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.
IEEE Std C62.42.3TM20l7. IEEE Guide for the Application of’ Surge Protective Components in Surge Protective Devices and Equipment Ports—Part 3: Silicon PN-Junction.
3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviation
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dicüonarv
Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause.t
acceptor: Imperfection in a crystal lattice which. when it is predominant, permits hole conduction by the acceptance of electrons.
NOTE— See IEC 60050-521-02-39 [B4].7
ambient temperature: Temperature of the environment in which a semiconductor component is operating. NOTLi— See I EC TR 62240-1 [B I 7j.
avalanche breakdown (of a PN junction): Breakdown that is caused by the cuniulative multiplication of charge carriers in a semi-conductor under the action of a strong electric field, which causes some carriers to gain enough energy to liberate new hole-electron pairs by ionization.
NOTE—See IEC 60050-521-05-07 [B4].
avalanche voltage: Applied voltage at which avalanche breakdown occurs.
NOTE—See IEC 60050-521-05-08 [B4].
bidirectional transistor: Transistor that has substantially the same electrical characteristics when the terminals normally designated as emitter and collector are interchanged.
NOTE—See IEC 60050-521-04-49 [B4].
bipolar junction transistor: Transistor having at least two junctions and whose functioning depends on both majority carriers and minority carriers.
NOTE—See IEC 60050-521-04-47 [B4].
breakdown (of a reverse-biased PN junction): Phenomenon, the initiation of which is observed as a transition from a state of high dynamic resistance to a state of substantially lower dynamic resistance for increasing magnitude of reverse current.
NOTE- See IEC 60050-521-05-06 [B41.
breakdown voltage, ‘(BR): Voltage in the region where breakdown occurs. NOTE—See IEC 60747-2 [Bill.
case temperature: Temperature of a reference point, on or near the surface of the case.
NOTE—See JEC 60747-I [B 10].
clamping (limiting) voltage: Breakdown voltage developed across the diode at a specified impulse current.
conduction electron: Electron in the conduction band of a semiconductor, which is free to flow under the action of an electric field.
NOTE—See I EC 60050-521-02-14 [B4J.
discrete (semiconductor) component: Semiconductor component that is specified to perform an elementary function and that is not divisible into separate components functional in themselves.
NOTE I—See IEC 60050-521-04-02 [B41.
NOTE 2—There is no clear delimitation possible between discrete components and integrated circuits. In principle, a discrete component consists of a single circuit element only. However, a component sold and specified as a discrete component may internally consist of more than one circuit element.
donor: Imperfection in a crystal lattice which, when it is predominant, permits electron conduction by the donation of electrons.
NOTE—See IEC 60050-521-02-38 [B4J.
extrinsic semiconductor: Semiconductor in which charge carrier concentration depends upon impurities or other imperfections.
NOTE—See IEC 60050-521-02-08 [B4].
foidhack breakdown (of a bidirectional bipolar junction transistor diode): Re-entrant breakdown characteristic caused by transistor action after the initiation of breakdown producing a region of negative dynamic resistance before reverting back to a low positive dynamic resistance condition.
foldback diode: Bidirectional bipolar junction transistor packaged with only the collector and emitter terminals made available.
NOTE—The negative resistance region and its voltage range is only pronounced for breakdown voltages in excess of about 20 V.
forward current, IF: Current flowing through the diode in forward direction.
NOTE—See IEC 60747-2:2016 [B 11].IEEE Std C62.59 pdf download.

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