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IEEE Std C37.122.1 pdf free download

IEEE Std C37.122.1 pdf free download.Gas-Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV.
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damping: (A) The temporal decay of amplitude of a free oscillation of a system, associated with energy loss from the system. (B) A dynamic property of a vibrating structure that indicated its ability to dissipate mechanical energy. (C) An energy dissipation mechanism that reduces the response amplification and broadens the vibratory response over frequency in the region of resonance.
design pressure of enclosures: The maximum gas pressure to which a GIS enclosure will be subjected under normal service conditions, including the heating effects of rated continuous current.
diameter: The primary GIS equipment electrically between and connecting to the main buses in a breaker- and-one-half bus scheme. It may exclude the primary terminations and bus runs to the terminations. See Figure 3.
enclosure: The grounded metal sheath of the G1S containing the primary components.
enclosure currents: Currents that result from the voltages induced in the metallic enclosure by effects of currents flowing in the enclosed conductors.
gas density, nominal: The manufacturer’s recommended operating gas density (usually expressed as a pressure at 20 °C).
gas leakage: Loss of insulating gas from the pressurized compartment.
gas pass-through insulator: An internal insulator supporting one or more conductors specifically designed to allow passage of gas between adjoining compartments.
gas zone: A section of a GIS which may consist of one or several compartments that have a common gas- monitoring system. The enclosure can be single phase or three phase.
gas-insulated substation (GIS): A compact. multi-component assembly, enclosed in a grounded metallic housing in which the primary insulating medium is a compressed gas and that normally consists of buses, switchgear, a circuit breaker, and other associated equipment.
gas-insulated surge arrester: A metal-enclosed surge arrester filled with an insulating gas, specifically designed for use in a gas-insulated substation.
grounding mesh: A system of conductors embedded inside or buried beneath the GIS foundation, provided for connecting all designated metallic components of the GIS to a substation multi-point grounding system.
local-control cabinet (LCC): A cubicle or cabinet typically containing auxiliary equipment, including control and interlocking, measuring, indicating, alarm, annunciation, and a mimic one-line diagram associated with the primary equipment. It may also include protective relays if specified by the user.
main ground bus: A conductor or system of conductors installed on top of the GIS foundation, provided for connecting all designated metallic components of the GIS to a substation multi-point grounding system.
minimum functional pressure pme (or density me): Insulation and/or switching pressure (in Pa), at and above which rated characteristics of switchgear are maintained. It is referred to at the standard atmospheric air conditions of +20 °C and 101.3 kPa (or density) and may be expressed in relative or absolute terms.
mixed-technology switchgear (MTS): Compact switchgear assemblies consist of at least one switching device directly connected to or sharing components with one or more other devices such that there is an interaction between the functions of the individual devices. The assemblies may contain components of airinsulated switchgcar (AIS) only or a combination of AIS and gas-insulated switchgear.IEEE Std C37.122.1 pdf download.

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