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IEEE Std 802D pdf free download

IEEE Std 802D pdf free download.Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and Architecture Amendment 1: Allocation of Uniform Resource Name (URN) Values in IEEE 802 Standards.
11. Allocation of Uniform Resource Name (URN) values in IEEE 802 standards
11.1 Introduction
From time to time, some IEEE 802 standards have a requirement to allocate Uniform Resource Name (URN) values—thc most common example being for the purpose of defining data models using the YANG data modeling language defined in IETF RFC 6020 [B8] and IETF RFC 7950 [B9j, but other examples exist. This clause defines a simple and consistent URN hierarchy, based on the use of the base URN value that has been assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (lANA) for use in IEEE standards. All current and future IEEE working groups can use this hierarchy flexibly to meet the needs of the standards defined by those working groups. This will establish a consistent practice within IEEE 802 for the development and allocation of URNs. Consistency of URN allocation will facilitate implementation and operation of IEEE 802 compliant equipment.
NOTE—While the ficus of this standard is on the use of URN values in IEEE 802 standards, the base URN value identified in 11.2 and the hierarchy of values that tl1ows forms a basis fur the assignment of URN values in all IEEE standards, not just those developed by IEEE 802.
11.2 The IEEE Namespace ID and Namespace Specific String
URN values used in IEEE standards use the following Namespace ID (NID) value assigned to the IEEE (see IETF RFC 3406 and IETF RFC 8069):
The Namespace Specific String (NSS) of all URNs that use the IEEE NID shall use the following structure:
urn: ieee: {lEEEresource : { ResourceSpcciticString}
The strings used as values of lEEFresource and ResourceSpcciticString are case-insensitive.
There are potential uses of URNs in the IEEE outside of standards use. Only standards use is considered in this standard; therefore, the IEEEresource is always as follows:
Hence, all URN values assigned for use in the context of IEEE standards are of the following form:
urn: ieee:std: { ResourceSpecificString
NOTE—The mechanism for allocation of URN values used by the IEEE is fully conlurmant with IETF RFC 3406 and is documented in JETF RFC 8069.
11.3 ResourceSpecificString values in IEEE 802 standards
ResourceSpecificString values identify the IEEE standard that has assigned the URN value, and the particular resource defined by that standard that the URN value identifies. The structure of ResourceSpeciticString is as follows:
{IEEE standard designation : resourceType: resource1dentifier
(IEEE standard designation} is the standard designation assigned to the base standard that defines the URN value. For example, in the case of IEEE Std 802.1 Q, the standard designation is 802.1 Q: in the case of IEEE Std 802.11, the standard designation is 802.11. Where URN values are assigned in amendments or corrigenda to a base standard, the base standard’s IEEE standard designation shall be used, not the IEEE standard designation of the amendment or corrigendum. The IEEE standard designation shall not include any colons. The form of standard designation numbers is as specified in the IEFE-SA Project Numbering Policy6
(resourceType} identifies the type of resource to which the URN value applies. A single value of resourceType is defined for use across all IEEE 802 standards:
The yang resourceType shall be used where the URN value has been assigned for use in the context of YANG models.
Should further resourceType values be required for consistent use across multiple IEEE 802 standards, they will be defined via future amendments to this standard. Further resourceType values that are specific to a designated IEEE 802 standard can be defined within that standard.
The {rcsourceldcntiticr} identifies a specific resource, in the context of the designated IEEE standard and the resourceType. All resourceldentifier values arc specified within the designated standard.
For example, in IEEE Std 802.IQ, a URN value for use in a YANG model would take the following form:
urn:ieee:std: 802.1 Q:yang: (resourceIdentifier
Or in IEEE Std 802.11, a URN value for use in a YANG model would take the following form:
urn:ieee:std: 802.11 :yang: resourceIdentificr
IEEE Std 802D pdf download.

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