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IEEE Std 802.3cm pdf free download

IEEE Std 802.3cm pdf free download.Ethernet Amend ment 7: Physical Layer and Management Parameters for 400 Gb/s over Multimode Fiber.
138.1.1 Bit error ratio Change the second paragraph of 138.1.1 as follows: For the 200GBASE-SR4 and 400GBASE SR8 _PMDs, the bit error ratio (BER) when processed by the PMA (Clause 120) shall be less than 2.4 x 10 4 provided that the error statistics are sufficiently random that this results in a frame loss ratio (see 1.4.275) of less than 1.7x 10-2 for 64-octet frames with minimum interpacket gap when additionally processed by the PCS (Clause 119). For a complete Physical Layer, the frame loss ratio may be degraded to 6.2 x 10-11 for 64-octet frames with minimum interpacket gap due to additional errors from the electrical interfaces. If the error statistics are not sufficiently random to meet this requirement, then the BER shall be less than that required to give a frame loss ratio of less than 1.7x 10-12 for 64- octet frames with minimum interpacket gap.
138.2 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) service interface
Change 138.2 a.s’follows:
This subclause specifics the services provided by the 5OGBASE-SR. 1OOGl3ASE-SR2 and 200GBASE-SR4. and 400GBASE-SR8 PMDs. The service interfaces for these PMDs are described in an abstract manner and do not imply any particular implementation. The PMD service interface supports the exchange of encoded data between the PMA entity that resides just above the PMD. and the PMD entity. The PMD translates the encoded data to and from signals suitable for the specified medium.
The 5OGI3ASE-SR PMD service interface is an instance of the inter-sublayer service interface defrncd in I 31 .3, with a single symbol stream (n = 1).
The 100GI3ASE-SR2 PMD service interface is an instance of the inter-sublayer service interface defined in 116.3, with two parallel symbol streams (n = 2).
The 200GI3ASE-SR4 PMD service interface is an instance of the inter-sublayer service interface defined in 116.3, with four parallel symbol streams (n = 4).
The 400GBASE-SR8 PMD service interface is an instance of the inter-sublayer service interface defined in 116.3. with eight parallel symbol streams (n = 8).
The service interface primitives are summarized as follows:
PMD: IS_UN ITDATA_i.request
PM D:ISUNITDATA_i.indication
The 5OGBASE-SR PMD has a single symbol stream, hence i 0.
The IOOGBASE-SR2 PM[) has two parallel symbol streams, hence i = 0 to I.
The 200GL3ASE-SR4 PMD has four parallel symbol streams, hence I = 0 to 3.
The 4000BASE-SR8 PMD has eight parallel symbol streams, hence 1 010 7.
In the transmit direction, the PMA continuously sends ii streams of PAM4 symbols to the PMD, one per lane, using the PMD:IS_UNITDATAJ.request primitive, at a nominal signaling rate of 26.5625 GBd. The PMD converts these streams of symbols into appropriate signals on the MDI.
In the receive direction, the PMD continuously sends i streams of PAM4 symbols to the PMA, corresponding to the signals received from the MD1. one per lane, using the PMD:IS_UNITDATA_i.indication primitive, at a nominal signaling rate of 26.5625 GBd.
The SIGNAL_OK parameter of the PMD:IS_SIGNAL.indication primitive corresponds to the variable SIGNAL_DETECT parameter as defined in 138.5.4. The SIGNAL_DETECT parameter can take on one of two values: OK or FAIL. When SIGNAL_DETECT = FAIL, the rx_symbol parameters are undefined.
NOTE—SIGNAL DETECT = OK does not guarantee that the rx_symbol parameters arc known to be good. It is possible for a poor quality link to provide sufficient light for a SIGNAL_DETECT = OK indication and still not meet the BFRdclinedin 138.1.1.IEEE Std 802.3cm pdf download.


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