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IEEE Std 802.3bt pdf free download

IEEE Std 802.3bt pdf free download. Ethernet Amendment 2: Physical Layer and Management Parameters for Power over Ethernet over 4 pairs.
Insert the following new variant descriptions afier the“1O00BASE T Midspan PSE” description in 33.2.2: 2.5GBASE-T Midspan PSE: A Midspan PSE that results in a link that can support 1000BASE-T and 2.5GBASE-T operation and optionally support 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX operation (see Figure 33- 7). 5GBASE-T Midspan PSE: A Midspan PSE that results in a link that can support 1000BASE-T, 2.5GBASE-T, and 5GBASE-T operation and optionally support 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX operation (see Figure 33- -7). 10GBASE-T Midspan PSE: A Midspan PSE that results in a link that can support 1000BASE-T, 2.5GBASE-T, 5GBASE-T, and 10GBASE-T operation and optionally support 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX operation (see Figure 33- -7).
33.3 Powered devices (PDs) 33.3.1 PD PI Change the note in 33.3.1 as follows: NOTE- PDs that implement only ModeA or Mode B are specifically not allowed by this standard. PDs that simultaneously require power from both Mode A and Mode B are specifically not allowed by this clause standare.A PD may indicate the ability to accept power on both pairsets from a Clause 145 PSE using TLV variable PD 4PID: see 33.4 Additional electrical specifications Change 33.4 as follows: This clause defines additional electrical specifications for both the PSE and PD. The specifications apply for all PSE and PD operating conditions at the cabling side of the mated connection of the PI. The requirements apply during data transmission only when specified as an operating condition. The requirements of 33.4 are consistent with the requirements of the 10BASE-T MAU and the 100BASE- TX, and 1000BASE-T, 2.5GBASE-T.5GBASE-T. and 10GBASE-T _PHYs.
33.4.2 Fault tolerance Change the first paragraph of 33.4.2 as follows: Each wire pair of the PI, when it is also an MDI (e.g., an Endpoint PSE or PD), shall meet the fault tolerance requirements of the appropriate specifying clause. (See, 25.4, and。, and . When a PI is not an MDI (e.g.. a Midspan PSE), the PSE PI shall meet the fault tolerance requirements of this subclause.
33.4.6 Differential noise voltage Change 33.4.6 as follows: The For 10/100/1000 Mb/s. the coupled noise, Eg out in Figure 33- 22, from a PSE or PD to the differential transmit and receive pairs shall not exceed 10 mV peak-to-peak when measured from 1 MHz to 100 MHz under the conditions specified in 33.4.4, item 1) and item 2). For 2.5GBASE-T 5GBASE-T. or 10GBASE-T. the coupled noise. Ea out in Figure 33- 22、 from a PSE or PD to the differential transmit and receive pairs shall not exceed 10 mV peak-to-peak when measured in the band from 1 MHz to 10 MHz and shall not excced 1 mV peak-to-pcak when measured in the band from 10 MHz to 100 MHz for 2.5GBASE-T. 10 MHz to 250 MHz for 5GBASE-T. and 10 MHz to 500 MHz for 10GBASE-T under the conditions specified in 33.4.4. item 1) and item 2). 33.4.7 Return loss Change 33.4.7 as follows: The differential impedance of the transmit and receive pairs at the PHY’s MDI shall be such that any reflection shall meet the return loss requirements as specified in for a 10 Mb/s PHY, in ANSI INCITS 263-1995 for a 100 Mb/s PHY, and in _40.8.3.1 for a 1000 Mb/s PHY_ in for a, 2.5 Gb/s or 5Gb/s PHY, and in for a 10 Gb/s PHY. In addition, all pairs terminated at an MDI should maintain a nominal common-mode impedance of 75 2. The common-mode termination is affected by the presence of the power supply, and this should be considered to determine proper termination.IEEE Std 802.3bt pdf download.


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