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IEEE Std 802.1Qca pdf free download

IEEE Std 802.1Qca pdf free download.Local and metropolitan area networks- Bridges and Bridged Networks Amendment 24: Path Control and Reservation.
3.x Almost Directed Acyclic Graph (ADAG): A directed graph that can be transformed into a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) by removing all arcs incoming to the ADAG Root.
3.x Bridge Local Computation Engine (BICE): A computation engine in a Bridge that performs path and routing computations. The BLCE implements, e.g.. Shortest Path First (SPF), Constrained Shortest Path First (CSPF), or the Maximally Redundant Trees Algorithm (IETF RFC 7811).
3.x constrained tree: A tree meeting a certain constraint, e.g., providing a minimal available bandwidth.
3.x constrained routing (CR): Shortest path routing on a topology pruned to only contain the links meeting a given constraint.
3.x Constrained Shortest Path First (CSPF): The phrase for the Dijkstra Shortest Path First Algorithm when it is run after pruning the links not meeting a given constraint.
3.x cut-bridge: A Bridge whose removal partitions the network.
3.x cut-link: A link whose removal partitions the network.
3.x I)irected Acyclic Graph (I)AG): A directed graph containing no directed cycle.
3.x Explicit Tree (El’): An explicitly defined tree, which is specified by its Edge Bridges and the paths among the Edge Bridges. If only the Edge Bridges are specified hut the paths are not, then it is a loose explicit tree. If the paths are also specified, then it is a strict explicit tree.
3.x Explicit Tree Database (ETDB): A database storing explicit trees.
3.x Generalized Almost Directed Acyclic Graph (GADAG): A directed graph that has only Almost
Directed Acyclic Graphs (ADAGs) as all of its topology blocks.
3.x Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) Path Control and Reservation (ISIS-PCR):
IS-IS with the Path Control and Reservation extensions specified by Clause 45 of IEEE Std 802.lQac-20l5.
3.x Loop-Free Alternate (LFA): A loop-free backup path for local repair after a failure event.
3.x Maximally Redundant Trees (MRTs): A pair of trees with a common MRT Root where the path from any leaf’ Bridge to the MRT Root along the first tree (MRT-Blue) and the path from the same leaf Bridge along the second tree (MRT-Red) share the minimum number of Bridges and the minimum number of links. Each such shared Bridge is a cut-bridge. Any shared links are cut-links. If more than two maximally redundant trees are needed, then they are handled as individual static explicit trees as explained in 45.3.2 of IEEE Sid 802.lQac-2015.
3.x MRT-Blue: One of the two Maximally Redundant Trees (MRTs), specifically, the increasing MRT where links in the Generalized Almost Directed Acyclic Graph (GADAG) are taken in the direction from a lower topologically ordered Bridge to a higher one.
3.x MRT-Red: One of’ the two Maximally Redundant Trees (MRTs), specifically, the decreasing MRT where links in the Generalized Almost Directed Acyclic Graph (GADAG) are taken in the direction from a higher topologically ordered Bridge to a lower one.
3.x MRT Root: The common root of the two Maximally Redundant Trees (MRTs), i.e., of MRT-Blue and MRT-Red.
3.x Path Control Agent (PCA): The agent that is part of the Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) Domain and thus can perform IS IS operations on behalf of a Path Computation Element (PCE), e.g., maintain Link State Database (LSDB) and send Link State protocol data units (PDUs)(LSPs).IEEE Std 802.1 pdf download.

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