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IEEE Std 802.15.4x pdf free download

IEEE Std 802.15.4x pdf free download.Low-Rate Wireless Networks Amendment 7: Defining Enhancements to the Smart Utility Network (SUN) Physical Layers (PHYs) Supporting up to 2.4 Mb/s Data Rates.
The editing instructions are shown in bold italic. Four editing instructions are used: change, delete, insert, and replace. Change is used to make corrections in existing text or tables. The editing instruction specifies the location of the change and describes what is being changed by using strikethrough (to remove old material) and underscore (to add new material). Delete removes existing material. Insert adds new material without disturbing the existing material. Insertions may require renumbering. If so, renumbering instructions are given in the editing instruction. Replace is used to make changes in figures or equations by removing the existing figure or equation and replacing it with a new one. Editing instructions, change markings, and this NOTE will not be carried over into future editions because the changes will be incorporated into the base standard.7. MAC frame formats 7.4 lEs 7.4.4 Nested IE SUN Device Capabilities IE Change the 15th paragraph in 7.4.4. 10 as indicated: The PHY Modes Supported field is a bitmap indicating which PHY modes are supported for the PHY Type. The PHY modes for each possible PHY Type are defined in Table 7-21, Table 7-22, Table 7-22a, Table 7-23, Table 7-24, Table 7-25, and Table 7-26. A bit set to one in bit bn of the PHY Mode ID bitmap indicates that the PHY Mode with ID n in the table of PHY Modes corresponding to the PHY Type is supported; otherwise, it is not supported.20. SUN FSK PHY 20.1 Introduction Change the second paragraph of 20.1 as indicated: For the SUN FSK PHY, the symbol period used for MAC and PHY timing parameters, shown in Table 20- 1, shall be the symbol period of operating mode #1 (specified in Table 20-6 and Table 20-7) and operating mode # la (specified in Table 20-7a). 20.3 Modulation and coding for SUN FSK Insert the following new paragraph and Table 20-7a after Table 20-7 in 20.3: Frequency bands 470 MHz, 780 MHz, 863 MHz, 866 MHz, 867 MHz, 870 MHz, 915 MHz, 915 MHz-a, 915 MHz-b, 915 MHz-C, 915 MHz-d, 915 MHz-e, 917 MHz, 919 MHz, 920 MHz, 920 MHz-a, and 920 MHz-b may additionally support operating modes #1a and #1b as specified in Table 20-7a.21.4.5 Interleaver Change the third and fourth paragraphs and Table 21-12 in 21.4.5 as indicated: Devices shall support an interleaving depth of one symbol, which is associated with a value of zero for the PIB attribute phyOfdmInterleaving, as defined in 11.3. The values for Ncaps with phyOfdmInterleaving set to zero are shown in Table 21-12. In this case, Nebps is defined as follows: 24, 48, 96, or 192 or 384 bits for Option 1; 12, 24, 48, 96, or 192 bits for Option 2; 6.12, 24, 48, or 96 bits for Option 3; 3.6. 12, 24, or 48 bits for Option 4. Devices may support an interleaving depth of the number of symbols equal to the frequency domain spreading factor, which is associated with a value of one for the PIB attribute phyOfdmInterleaving. The frequency domain spreading factor can be one, two, or four. In this case, Nebps is defined as follows: 96 bits for BPSK of 192 bits for QPSK, or 384 bits for 1 6-QAM in Option 1; 48 bits for BPSK, 96 bits for QPSK, or 192 bits for 16-QAM in Option 2; 24 bits for BPSK, 48 bits for QPSK, or 96 bits for 16-QAM in Option 3; 12 bits for BPSK, 24 bits for QPSK, or 48 bits for 16-QAM in Option 4.IEEE Std 802.15.4x pdf download.

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