Home>IEEE Standards List>IEEE Std 802.15.3f pdf free download

IEEE Std 802.15.3f pdf free download

IEEE Std 802.15.3f pdf free download.High Data Rate Wireless Multi-Media Networks Amendment 3: Extending the Physical Layer (PHY) Specification for Millimeter Wave to Operate from 57.0 GHzto 71 GHz.
4. General description
4.5 Characteristics of the mmWave PHY
4.5.1 mmWave PHY characteristics
Change the first sentence of the first paragraph of 4.5.! as indicated:
The rnrnWave PHY, as described in Clause 11, is defined for the frequency hand of 57.0 GHz to 71.0 GH, as allocated by the regulatory agencies in Europe, Japan, Canada, and the United States as well as any other areas where the regulatory bodies have been allocated this band.
11. PHY specification for millimeter wave
11.1 General requirements
11.1.1 Regulatory information
Change the first sentence in the first paragraph of 11.1.1 as indicated:
The mmWave PHY operating frequency is within the 57.0 66.0 57.0 GHz to 71.0 GHz range as allocated by the regulatory agencies in Europe, Japan, Canada, and the United States.
11.1.5 RF channelization
Change Table 11-3 as indicated:
11.3 High Speed Interface mode of mmWave PHY
11.3.1 General operating specifications Operating frequency bands
Change the paragraph as indicated:
The set of operating channels is defined in Table  11-3. A compliant IEEE 802.15.3 implementation that implements the HSI PHY shall support at least CHNL_ ID 2 or CHNL_ ID 3.
11.4 AudioVisual mode of mmWave PHY
11.4.1 General requirements AV PHY channelization
Change the first paragraph of as indicated:
The HRP mode uses the channels defined in Table 11-3. A compliant HEEE 802.15.3e IEEE 802.15.3 implementation that implements the AV PHY shall support at least channel number 2.IEEE Std 802.15.3f pdf download.

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