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IEEE Std 802.15.10a pdf free download

IEEE Std 802.15.10a pdf free download.Routing Packets in IEEE 802.15.4M Dynamically Changing Wireless Networks Amendment 1: Fully Defined Use of Addressing and Route Information Currently in IEEE Std 802.15.10.
5.2.7 P2P route establishment Storing mode
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When a device receives a P2P-RQ IE, if it has no existing path to the source of the P2P-RQ IE, it stores the information retrieved from the P2P-RQ IE into a new entry in the P2P path list Route fable in the MT. The address of the neighbor from which the P2P-RQ IE is received is recorded in the Next hop Route infoniiation of the P2P path Rute Tahig. The device calculates or measures the LQM between itself and the neighbor from the previous hop and adds the result to the PQM value found in the IE. The device then stores the result into the PQM Value of the P2P path Route Table entry.
I ii ange rhe foil rib and ijth paragraph x of 5.2. 7. i us indicau’d:
If the PSN in the latest P2P-RQ IE is equal to the recorded PSN, the device compares the PQM value of the two P2P-RQ lEs. If the PQM value of the latest P2P-RQ lE is equal to or greater than that of the previous P2P-RQ IE, the latest P2P-RQ IE is discarded. Otherwise, the device replaces the value of Next hop Ritç information with the address of neighbor from which the latest P2P-RQ IE has been received, and replaces the PQM value with the PQM provided by the current neighbor. The IE is then discarded.
If the PSN of new P2P-RQ lE is newer than the recorded PSN, the device calculates the PQM between the device and the source of’ the P2P-RQ IE. All elements of the P2P path Route Table are updated with the infbrmation from the latest P2P-RQ IE and with the newly calculated PQM value.
0, ange the eighth to elei’e,ith paragraphs of 5.2. 7. 1 as indicated:
If the Request Intermediate Response field in the P2P-RQ IE is set to 1 and if an intermediate device has a path Route Table entry to the requested destination, it does not propagate the P2P-RQ JE but replies with a P2P-RP IF where the PSN and the PQM Value fields are set to the PSN and PQM value recorded for the path Route Table entry of interest in the P2P path list Route Table.
If the device is the desired destination, it replies with a P2P-RP lE. The TTL field of the P2P-RP IE is set to (l2rDefauIrTTL — it!), where it! is the value of the TTI. field in the received P2P-RQ IE. The PQM Value is set to 0. The PSN field is set to the device’s current PSN. The P2P-RP IF is forwarded to the neighbor whose address is recorded in Next hop Route information in the current P2P path Route Table entry.
When a device receives a P2P-RP IE, it processes the information in the IE in the same way as it processes the information in a P2P-RQ IF as described above in A P2P path Route Table entry is created or updated accordingly.
lithe address of the device receiving the P2P-RP IE does not match the address found in the P2P SA field, the device forwards the P2P-RP IE through the Next hop Route information recorded for the corresponding P2P path Route Table entry with the Destination address matching the address in the P2P SA field.
(11 ange the 13111 paragraph of 5.2. 7. 1 U.S indicated:
The original source device may start routing data frames as soon as it receives a P2P-RP IE. When a device receives a new P2P-RP IE for the same destination, if the PQM value therein is lower than the PQM value provided by the current next hop, the P2P path Rjute [able is updated with the information of the new P2P-RP IE. Otherwise the P2P-RP IE is discarded.IEEE Std 802.15.10a pdf download.

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