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IEEE Std 650 pdf free download

IEEE Std 650 pdf free download.Qualification of Class 1E Static Battery Chargers, Inverters, and Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
5.1 Analytical requirements
An analysis shall be performed on all components within the charger or inverter to determine which
components are required for the performance of its safety function and which components are not.
5.1.1 Non-safety component analysis
A failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) shall be performed, in accordance with 4.2 of IEEE Std 577, on all components presumed to be non-safety components. The FMEA shall demonstrate that the failure of these components, as used in the circuit throughout the qualified life of the equipment, does not affect the ability of the charger, inverter, or UPS systems to perform its safety function (see 4.2.2) or, by way of interfaces, does not afkct the safety functions) of other equipment. The non-safety components shall be assembled into the sample equipment without additional analysis or testing. Any component whose failure is determined to affect the ability of the charger or inverter to perform its safety function by the FMEA shall be considered a safety component and is addressed in 5.1.2.
5.1.2 Safety component analysis
Components designated as safety components are those whose failure affects the ability of the charger, invcrtcr, or UPS systems to perform its satIty function or, by way of’ interfaces, affects the safety function of other equipment. They shall be analyzed in accordance with the requirements of this suhclause. Software analysis
If a programmable digital device is contained within the Class 1 E static battery charger, inverter. or UPS system then it needs to be developed or commercially dedicated in accordance with the standard criteria in IEEE Std 7-4.3.2. Operational stress analysis
An essential part of the qualification of this equipment is to verify the integrity of its design. Thus, as part of the qualification process, a stress analysis of the equipment shall be performed to assure that no electrical component is stressed to a point where its aging is accelerated beyond that expected in operation. Should any components be overstressed, a redesign shall be performed to correct this condition. Typical stress levels for voltage and power of 0.5 or less arc not considered a contributor to aging. Annex A provides background information on this topic, as well as an example of a stress analysis. Component classification
All safety components within the charger, inverter, or UPS systems shall be classified as either components for which aging is not a significant failure mechanism or components for which aging is a significant failure mechanism. An aging mechanism is significant it in the normal and abnormal service environment, it causes degradation during the installed life of the equipment that progressively and appreciably renders the equipment vulnerable to failure to perform its safety function(s) under DBE conditions (see 7.3.2 of IEC/IEEE 60780-323). Operating experience, testing, and analysis may be used in this classification process.IEEE Std 650 pdf download.

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