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IEEE Std 575 pdf free download

IEEE Std 575 pdf free download.Bonding Shields and Sheaths of Single-Conductor Power Cables Rated 5 kV through 500 kV.
bonding lead: The insulated conductor connecting the shield/sheath of a shielded cable segment to an adjacent cable segment or bonding accessory for the purpose of providing a fault current path. A bonding lead may connect the shield/sheath of a cable segment or cable accessory to: (I) the shield/sheath on another cable segment, (2) a cable accessory, such as a joint casing, a termination bell, or a link box, or (3) a grounding point, such as a grounding bus, a ground rod, or a ground continuity conductor (GCC).
continuous cross bonding: A form of cross bonding applicable to circuits consisting of at least four minor sections in which the cable metallic shields/sheaths are successively cross-bonded at each junction between adjacent minor sections throughout the cable route. At each end of the route the shields/sheaths are solidly bonded and grounded.
cross bonding: The form of special bonding in which the metallic shields/sheaths of different phase cables in successive minor sections are cross connected in such a way so as to attain partial or full cancellation of induced currents on the metallic shields/sheaths.
flat formation: Three cables laid in one plane with normally equal spacing between adjacent cables.
ground continuity conductor (CCC): A conductor laid parallel and in close proximity to a cross-bonded or single-point bonded cable circuit to provide a continuous metallic ground connection between the grounding systems at the ends of the cable route and along the run.
impedance bonding: A bonding scheme in which an impedance, such as a reactor or a resistance, is inserted into the shield/sheath current path for the purpose of limiting fault currents or load losses.
insulated shield/sheath system: A cable system in which the metallic shield/sheath of each cable is individually insulated throughout its length except where any necessary grounding or inter-shield/sheath connections are made.
joint sleeve insulation: The external insulation applied over the metallic sheath/shield of a cable joint.
link box: A box in which bonding and grounding connections are made through removable links. The box may also contain shield/sheath voltage limiters.
major section: A set of consecutive minor cable sections between solidly bonded shields/sheaths that are connected in such a way so as to minimize cable shield/sheath current losses on each phase cable. For three-phase systems, three consecutive minor sections are required to form a major section to minimize shield/sheath currents on all three phases.
minor section: The length of cable between shield/sheath sectionalizing insulators, and between sheath insulators and sheath end-bells at the cable terminations.
multiple single-point bonding: The form of special bonding in which the three cable shields/sheaths are solidly bonded and grounded to a ground continuity conductor (GCC) at one end of a section, and connected to ground through shield/sheath voltage limiters at the other end; done at multiple locations along a route.
power frequency: The operating frequency of the ac power cable system.IEEE Std 575 pdf download.

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