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IEEE Std 2700 pdf free download

IEEE Std 2700 pdf free download.Sensor Performance Parameter Definitions.
The motivation for this standard is to define a common methodology for specifying sensor performance to be adopted by the ever-expanding sensor industry. It is intended that adoption burden be reduced and distributed, while preserving product differentiation and innovation. When adhered to, industry adoption of these proposed sensor performance definitions will help to provide many industry-wide advantages while mitigating unwanted burden. Possible advantages include the following:
— Improved TTM
— Reduced platform/system validation burden
— Simplified device-sourcing process
6. Interpretation guideline
Given that the intent of this standard is not to push unwarranted burden onto the industry, proper perspective should be considered when reviewing the proposed definitions. Upon review, it can be surmised that some parameters, when specified under all conditions, are excessive and burdensome. Therefore, it should be understood that the ultimate intent is to thoroughly comprehend only strong dependencies that key parameters may have on said conditions.
For example, when specifying current consumption, it is important to thoroughly specify ldd for all conditions that show strong dependency. Therefore, if ldd does not vary by more than a vendor-specified percentage over the specified temperature range, then the ldd versus temperature parameter does not need to be specified. However, if there is a strong dependency, then the relationship should be appropriately specified, perhaps by providing an Idd versus temperature slope.
7. Accelerometer
Given the importance of an accelerometer’s absolute accuracy as the pitch-and-roll reference in a fused inclinometer system, it is very important to fully understand the primary contributors to absolute acceleration error. The following parameters require thorough specification and are intended for digital sensors only:
10. Accelerometer/Magnetometer/Gyroscope Combination Sensor Given the industry trend to collocate any combination of accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope sensors into a common package, it is important to fully understand the primary contributors of sensor error uniquely atributed to such co-packaging. The following parameter requires thorough specification and are intended for combined sensors only: -Sensor to sensor axis alignment error.IEEE Std 2700 pdf download.

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