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IEEE Std 2416 pdf free download

IEEE Std 2416 pdf free download.Power Modeling to Enable System-Level Analysis.
5.3 Units
The required library-level Units element contains the subelement definitions for the set of SI units for technology, electrical, and environmental parameters, such as the capacitance, voltage, and frequency used in the models. Each Unit subelement sets the default name and scaled unit value. The values are composed of an SI unit symbol optionally preceded by a scaling symbol. The name of the unit reflects its use in the models or as a return value of an expression. For example, a power contributor expression could return a Value expressed in the poierUnit format, such as mW for milliwatts.
A required unnamed Units element defines the default units for the library. Additional named Units elements can be specified to redefine the set of individual units using the name attribute. The set of override values in a named Units element shall be accessed by the set name from the unitsSet attribute of a Cell element. Values not found in the named Units element shall come from the default Units element. This override capability supports the inclusion of models using different units in a single library.
Units attributes
name (optional data name)—Units group identifier. The first Units element in the library is required and shall not have a name. Additional Units elements are optional and, if present. shall be named. They shall immediately follow the un-named Units element.
The Unit element is a subelement of the Units element. Each Unit element sets the default name and scaled unit value for a particular parameter. The units are scaled SI units.
Unit attributes
name (required data name)—Unit name for the scaled unit value: one of capacitanceUnit, resistanceUnit, dimensioiiUnit, frequencvUnit, pow erUnit, energyUnit, voltageUnit, temperatureTkUnit, temperatureTcUnit, or timeUnit.
aluc (required scaled SI unit)—Scale and units to scale a numeric value for use by the tools.
The default Units values can be overridden en masse using the unitsSet attribute on the Cell element (see 6.1). The values in the specified named Units element override all the values in the default set. In this case, an application or design tool shall use the overridden values.
The overriding set of units shall be specified with the unitsSet attribute on Cell elements, which will reset the unit values everywhere in the cell. The Cell element is the only element that accepts the unitsSct attribute.
Certain Cell-level subelements, such as CellParameter, Index, and Expression, have a units attribute to set the value for individual parameters. The value of this attribute is a scaled SI unit. For example, the CellParameter units attribute defines the expected units of the parameter value. The Expression units attribute defines the expected units of the returned value. The Index units attribute defines the units of the Index element values.
Each subelement inherits the unit parameter values of its parent. However, an inherited value shall be overridden by a suhelement’s units attribute. That is. a suhelement’s units attribute value takes precedence over a parent’s value, whether the parent’s value was explicitly specified or inherited. For example, any unit specification defined within a Cell (see 6.1) takes precedence over that unit specified at the library level (see 5.1).IEEE Std 2416 pdf download.

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