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IEEE Std 2030.9 pdf free download

IEEE Std 2030.9 pdf free download.Planning and Design of the Microgrid.
3. Definitions and acronyms
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause.4
distributed energy resources (DER): Sources and groups of sources of electric power that are not directly connected to the bulk power system: they include both generators and energy storage technologies capable of exporting power. See also IEEE Std 1547-2018.
distributed generation (DC): Electric generation facilities connected to the local EPS through a PCC, a subset of DER.
electric power system (EPS): Facilities that deliver electric power to a load. See also IEEE Std 1547-2018.
grid-connected micrognd: Microgrid that physically connects to the EPS but can disconnect from the grid and operate autonomously as physical and/or economic conditions dictate; a subset of microgrids.
microgrid: A group of interconnected loads and distributed energy resources with clearly defined electrical boundaries that acts as a single controllable entity with respect to the grid and can connect and disconnect from the grid to enable it to operate in both grid-connected or island modes. See also IEEE Std 2030,7Th1.
point of common coupling (PCC): The point of connection between the Area EPS and the Local EPS. See also IEEE Std 1547-2018.
stand-alone microgrid: A microgrid that has no direct physical connection to the EPS and operates in standalone mode at all times, a subset of microgrids.
4. Procedures of microgrid planning and design
The main task of the microgrid planning and design is to determine the configuration of distributed energy resources (DERs),electrical network structure and the automation system configurations. Grid planners should take into consideration the local load profile, energy demand and energy resources when planning a microgrid. The result of the microgrid planning should be scalable enough to satisfy the immediate demand as well as the future demand growth.
5. Microgrids planning
The purpose of microgrids planning is to determine the construction scheme satisfying the power demand,
with comprehensive considerations of the load profile, DER operating condition and system status.
Microgrids planning should be implemented based on the application scenarios, objectives. system performance requirements, and cost benefit analysis. The planning scheme should include load and resource analysis, DGs. and energy storage configuration. It is also necessary to consider the system operation strategy. In addition, for microgrids with cooling and hcating demand, and thermal resources, the output form of non- electric energy should be determined in accordance with the operating conditions of the inicrogrids. For example. for the form of energy supply, solar-thermal, ground source heat pump, and combined cooling! heating and power ((‘ClIP) with gas turbine can be considered. For the form of energy storage, in addition to electrical energy storage, a variety of forms can also be considered, such as phase-change heat, compressed air, hydrogen storage, and so on.
5.1 Planning objectives
Economic efficiency, system reliability, and environmental impacts should be considered in microgrids planning. To determine the planning objective(s), the application scenarios of the microgrids and specific customer requirements are of the foremost considerations. Microgrids planning can be implemented with single or multiple objectives. Table 1 shows the objective classifications of the microgrids and the corresponding typical application scenarios.IEEE Std 2030.9 pdf download.

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