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IEEE Std 2030.8 pdf free download

IEEE Std 2030.8 pdf free download.Testing of Microgrid Controllers.
5. Functional testing requirements of the core functions
This standard encompasses the testing ofMGCSs designed to meet the objectives described in IEEE Std 2030.7. These objectives are reproduced for convenience in Annex 13. The tests are categorized according to the mode of operation of the microgrid, either steady-state (SS), grid-connected, or islanded, or during transitions between grid-connected and islanded modes.
5.1 General testing conditions
The basic testing approach is to establish and set test scenarios. The MGCS, together with the functions built into the various components of the microgrid shall implement and execute the core functions. These are associated in this standard with testable and verifiable metrics.
Dispatch tests include a set of scenarios reflecting both normal operation and contingency conditions. Grid- connected tests imply that the POT breaker is initially closed, while islanded-mode tests imply that the P01 breaker is initially open.
Transition tests include a set of scenarios with ditlerent initial operating conditions, normally tbllowed by a P01 breaker state transition. For planned islanding test scenarios, an islanding order is sent to the MGCS. The MGCS shall dispatch power flow adequately to reduce to near zero current flow through the P01 breaker, and then shall send an open command to the P01 breaker. Unplanned islanding test scenarios imply contingency situations such as faults leading to mandatory tripping of the P01 breaker. The reconnection test scenarios imply a reconnection order sent to the M(ICS. Automatic reconnection signals due to the return of normal distribution side voltage and frequency conditions for a specified time provide another method for signaling the MGCS. The MGCS shall then check for proper dispatch to help ensure synchronization of the microgrid side voltage with the distribution grid side voltage, before closing the P01 breaker. It also sends settings change orders or state change confirmation, as necessary, to the microgrid assets. In all cases, a sufficient period of time for the tests shall be allowed for data collection in each test run to verify whether necessary dispatch before and after transition is achieved properly by the MGCS.
5.2 Conceptual flowchart of test procedure
Figure 1 shows the conceptual flowchart for testing the core functions of an MGCS. It is meant to minimally include all the mandatory tests specified in this standard. The tests are classified as per the core function they arc designed to assess. Each test consists of multiple scenarios and each test nm is a single execution of a scenario, with each scenario including a unique set of initial conditions (of the POE breaker, the asset states, the power flow within the microgrid, and the MGCS settings) and the initiating event(s).
The initialization condition of a test sequence includes establishing the initial state of the all breakers and the initial dispatch of microgrid assets. Once the initial conditions arc set, an initiating event such as a power system fault or breaker opening initiates the test sequence.
The testing flowchart for dispatch of microgrid assets, Figure l, applies to the different operating modes and provides a generic framework that applies to all types of microgrids. The conditions and tests are detailed in the following subclauses. User is referred to Annex C for more details. Not all microgrids have varying loads, load tap changers, or other system assets identified as follows; therefore, not all tests apply to all microgrids.IEEE Std 2030.8 pdf download.

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