Home>IEEE Standards List>IEEE Std 2030.1.1 pdf free download

IEEE Std 2030.1.1 pdf free download

IEEE Std 2030.1.1 pdf free download.Technical Specifications of a DC Quick Charger for Use with Electric Vehicles.
3. Definitions
For thc purposcs of this documcnt. the followrng terms and dclinitions apply. Thc IEEE Siandards
Dicth;narv OnIInr should bc consulted for terms not defined in this clause,4
3.1 Vehicle terms
charging: Supplying dircct current to a battery from an external power source, producing a chemical reaction of the active substances and storing electrical energy in the battery as chemical energy. electric chIck (IN): A vehicle using an electric motor as a powcrtrain.
electric ehic1e (EV) contactor: A switching device on dc charging circuit to on-board batter>. on-board battcr>: A battery tor propulsion mounted on an elcctnc schick,
on-board dc 12 V poser supph: An auxiliary electric vehicle battery used for communication and charging control
ehiclc rela: The switch that controls the clectric vehicle cornactor
3.2 Charger terms
ac input pocr blackout: Voltage fall of ac input power supply below the spcciticd ‘oltagc range. charging cable: A cable that is connected to the electric sehicle for charging purposes.
charging connector: A connecting apparatus equipped with the charger in order to charge electric vchidcs.
5.2 Requirements
These rcquircnIcnts are comnlon” requirements for the spccilications in Anncx A and Anncx B.
a) General
1) Des ice shall be able to indicate to the user the status of the charging process and take corrcctisc actions if rcquircd.
2) Both the chargcr and the chsclc shall be cquippcd with a means to confirm they slay physically andor electrically conncctcd with each other during charging.
3) The charger hail be equipped with a rncans to stop charging in thc case that commurncation between the ‘ehick and the charger (via the communications interface) is intcrrup4ed.
4) When the protcctisc conductor between thc charger and the sctiidc is disconnected, the charger shall stop charging within 10 s.
5) The charger shall be able to detect loss of isolation, short circuit, and earth faults.
6) The charger shall be equipped with an overvoltage protection function.
7) Thc system shall be designed so that a level of voltagc that is dangerous to the human body shall not be applied on the charging connector when the connector is not connected to the vehicle,
K) The system shall be designed to present users from touching electrically cncrgizcd parts on the vehicle and the charger.
9) The charger shall be equipped with a means of earth leakage current detection and automatic disconnection to help present electric shock,
10) The charger or charging connector shall be equipped with measures (e.g., plastic cap on connector 0WCt terminals) to reduce the risk of contact with exposed live parts as a measure against remaining electric chargc on the charging connector.
II) The charger shall be equipped with a means of protection against os’erload and short circuit in the i.e main circuit or internal circuit of the charger.
12) The charging system shall be designed so that the voltage lesel betssccn any accessible conduct is C parts. including charging cable and charging connector, and any grounding parts decreases to less than 60 V within I s or less, after connector removal from station or ‘. chick.
b) Communications
A data communications interface shall be used to transmit parameters required for charging control. [tic charger and vehicle shall exchange the parameters through the interlace.
c) Outdoor indoor conductive charging
The charger shall be designed to endure the following environmental conditions:
1) The charger enclosure shall have a rating of 1P33 or higher.
2) Ambient temperature (outdoor): -25 °C 1040 °C.
3) Ambient temperature (indoor): 5 °C to 40 C.
4) Ambient humidity. 5% to 95%.
5) Altitude; Charger shall work between the atmospheric pressures of 860 hPa and 1060 hPa.
IEEE Std 2030.1.1 pdf download.

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