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IEEE Std 1909.1 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1909.1 pdf free download.Smart Grid Communications Equipment- Test Methods and Installation Requirements.
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause. tO
automatic circuit recloser: A self-controlled device for automatically interrupting and reclosing an alternating-current circuit, with a predetermined sequence of opening and reclosing followed by resetting, hold-closed, or lock-out operation.
broadband pow crime communications: A method of powerline communication that allows relatively high-speed digital data transmission over the public electric power distribution wiring.
creepage distance: The shortest distance between two conducting parts measured along the surface or joints of the insulating material between them.
data link: A physical communication connection [wireless, cabled (including wire and fiber optic), etc.] from a source to a destination.
dielectric withstand capability: The ability of insulating material and physical spacing to withstand specified overvoltages for a specified time without flashover or puncture.
electromagnetic compatibility: The condition that prevails when devices or networks perform their individually designed function in a common electromagnetic environment without causing or suffering unacceptable degradation due to electromagnetic interference to or from other equipment in the same environment.
electrostatic discharge (ESD): A transfer of electric charge between bodies of different electrostatic potential in proximity or through direct contact.
headend: The location in a broadband communication network that serves as the root for the branching tree comprising the physical medium; the point to which all inbound signals converge and the point from which all outbound signals emanate.
immunity (to disturbance): Ability of a device, equipment, or system to perform without degradation of performance in the presence of electromagnetic disturbance.
KYZ: The designation given to a relay used to create pulses for applications.
pad-mounted: A general term describing equipment positioned on a surface-mounted pad located outdoors. The equipment is usually enclosed with all exposed surfaces at ground potential.
partial discharge: An electric discharge that only partially bridges the internal insulation.
protocol instance: An execution of a particular protocol that consists of the state of the communicating parties as well as the messages exchanged.
5. Equipment categories
For equipment containing powerline communications (PLC) or broadband communications (BPL) capability, PLC and BPL modems should be considered as a separate part of the equipment. This subpart of the smart grid communications device should be tested according to national regulations.
In the absence of such regulations, the device should be tested in accordance with IEEE Std l775)I
5.1 In-premises communications equipment
This class includes stationary equipment in weatherprotected environments. In-premises equipment may be connected sensors and couplers connected to low or medium-voltage lines. In addition to communications equipment, such equipment may include auxiliary equipment such as listed in 5.4.
5.2 Distribution line communications equipment
This class includes stationary equipment in non-weatherprotected environments. In addition to communications equipment, such equipment may include auxiliary equipment such as listed in 5.4.
5.3 Generation, transmission, and substation communications equipment
This class includes stationary equipment in non-weatherprotected environments subject to elevated levels of electromagnetic fields.
The manufacturer should specify whether the equipment is rated for that standard’s surge withstand capability (SWC) tests as Class 1 or Class 2 per Annex A of IEEE Std 1613.1. During the period that the SWC tests are applied, Class 1 equipment may experience communications disruptions or errors, while for Class 2 equipment, the communications should not be disrupted nor experience errors. Electric utilities should select equipment that conforms to a class that is appropriate for each application.IEEE Std 1909.1 pdf download.

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