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IEEE Std 1887 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1887 pdf free download.Wayside Energy Storage Systems for DC Traction Applications.
4.2 Energy recovery
In energy recovery applications, energy storage is used to reduce energy consumption through the capture and release of regenerated energy from rolling stock. Typically, energy produced by the train during braking is consumed by other trains operating in the vicinity.
In the circumstance where there are no other trains available (insufficient electrical load), the excess energy is typically dissipated as heat by an on-board, or wayside, resistor bank.
Energy storage can be used to store energy that would otherwise have been consumed by the resistor bank, and then release it back into the traction power system when there is sufficient electrical load.
4.3 Voltage regulation
In voltage regulation applications, energy storage is used to reduce the level of fluctuation in the traction power system voltage.
Trains are normally designed to operate within a given range of voltage. If voltage fluctuates outside this range, train operation can be adversely affected.
Energy storage can be used to help keep voltage fluctuations within the operating limits of the train.
Undervoltage conditions are caused by momentary overloading of the power system. usually from too many trains operating in close proximity, or simultaneous acceleration of several trains in a single area. Energy storage can be used to supplement the traction power substations to help mitigate excessive voltage sag.
Overvoltage conditions are caused by regenerative braking of trains in locations where there is insufficient electrical load available to absorb the energy produced by the trains. Energy storage can help ensure there is sufficient electrical load available to mitigate such overvoltage conditions. This operation is similar to the energy-recovery application (see 4.2).
4.4 Emergency backup
In emergency backup applications, energy storage is used to provide energy to the traction power system in the event of partial or complete disruption of the traction power supply.
A typical scenario involves using energy storage, during a partial or complete traction power outage, to enable trains to complete their travel to the next passenger station where passengers can safely disembark the train.
Requirements br energy storage such as required power, energy capacity, and duration of operation, depend on the specific emergency operating procedures intended by the transit authority.
4.5 Peak shaving
In peak shaving applications, energy storage is used to store and release energy with the intent to reduce short- term fluctuations in transit system power demand.
The objective of peak shaving is to reduce peak power demands to minimize size of power delivery equipment and/or realize financial benefit through reduction of utility power demand charges.
4.6 Load shifting
Load shifting is similar to peak shaving applications but with the intent to shift bulk amounts of electrical energy from one time period to another.
The objective of load shifting is to realize financial benefit through reduction of utility energy and/or power demand charges by storing energy in periods of inexpensive electricity and then to release back into the transit system during periods of relatively expensive electricity.IEEE Std 1887  pdf download.

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