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IEEE Std 1865.2 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1865.2 pdf free download.Maintenance and Test of Distributed Control Systems in Thermal Power Stations: Operation Service and Management.
4. General requirements
4.1 Operation service
Operation service is important daily work to keep the control system working well. It should follow the general requirements as follows:
a) Operation service of the control system may include preventive maintenance, perfective maintenance, adaptive maintenance, and corrective maintenance. Through normative routine inspection and maintenance, record the working status of every part of the system and, in case any abnormality is identified, investigate the cause and correct the problem in time. Through scheduled maintenance of the system and test, plus inspection of the technical indicators and the quality requirements, maintain the operating environment and hardware of the control system as well as the required monitoring and control function. As a result, the risks of the control system equipment faults and/or control function abnormality can be avoided or reduced.
b) Different component faults in the distributed control system (DCS) shall be classified and managed according to the severity of their impact on the control system and the operation process. Possible fault risks and their impact on the system shall be identified. Emergency response plans for the control system under various fault conditions shall be prepared, and emergency response drills shall be regularly conducted according to the emergency plan. If necessary, the emergency plan shall be modified and improved to help ensure that once a fault occurs, a response can be in place on time. According to the class of the fault, the involved plan shall be initiated, and efficient measures shall be taken to avoid the fault propagation.
c) The reliability of the control system shall be specially evaluated to determine to what degree the performance, functions, and reliability of the control system can satisfy the safe operation requirements of the unit and the requirements of the latest standard. Then, determine the required optimization and improvement.
4.2 Management rules and procedures
The effective management system and personnel training are necessary to ensure that maintenance is carried out as expected. They should follow the general requirements as follows:
a) Develop routine and scheduled maintenance rules and items in accordance with 7.1 of IEEE Std 1865- 2019. Carry out routine inspection, maintenance, defect elimination, and scheduled maintenance and test normatively. Check the quality of operational maintenance and the implementation and applicability of management rules to promptly identify and correct non-conforming items.
b) By following the requirements of 5.3 of IEEE Std 1865TM20l9, carry out the management and training of the maintenance personnel and verify that the maintenance personnel are technically qualified for the maintenance work. By following the requirements of 5.4 of IEEE Std 1865-2019, verify the required tools/instruments and test equipment for the maintenance work, develop the management methods and control measures, satisfy the environmental conditions for the field work and storage, and satisfy the technical requirements for the maintenance, repair, and tests. Ensure that the verification, maintenance, labeling, recording, usage, and storage environment of the equipment are well controlled.IEEE Std 1865.2 pdf download.

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