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IEEE Std 1859 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1859 pdf free download.Relaxor-Based Single Crystals for Transducer and Actuator Applications.
small signal longitudinally poled length extensional elastic compliance at constant electric displacement (s11D): The elastic compliance at constant electric displacement of a poled crystal measured in the direction of polarization when a small alternating current electric field is applied in the direction of polarization. It is equivalent to the longitudinally poled length extensional open circuit elastic compliance.
NOTE I — The superscript index D indicates that the measurement is under constant electric displacement conditions. See 6.2 oIANSI/IEEE Std 176-1987.
NOTE 2—See 4.4 for the sets of crystallographic reference axis for the subscript indices determination with respect to the poling direction. The subscript indices indicate the crystallographic orientation in which the measurement is made. See
ANSI/IEEE Sid 176-1987.
NOTE 3—See ANSI/IEEE Std 176-1987 for the measurement method.
small signal longitudinally poled length extensional coupling factor (k33): The coupling factor of an endelectroded bar (see Figure 2) excited along the polarization direction using a small alternating current electric field. See’ also: coupling factor.
NOTE I —The subscript indices indicate the crystallographic orientation in which the measurement is made. See ANSI’ IEEE Std 176-1987.
NOTE 2—See 4.4 for the sets of crystallographic reference axis for the subscript indices determination with respect to the poling direction.
small signal longitudinally poled length extensional piezoelectric coefficient (d1): The ratio of mechanical strain produced in the direction of polarization of a poled single crystal to the magnitude of small alternating current electric field applied in the direction of polarization. See also: small signal longitudinally poled length extensional coupling factor.
NOTE I—See 4.4 for the sets of crystallographic reference axis for the subscript indices determination with respect to the poling direction. The subscript indices indicate the crystallographic orientation in which the measurement is made. See ANSI/IEEE Std l76-19.
NOTE 2—See 4.10.5 for measurement details specific to this standard.
NOTE 3—See Figure 2.
small signal trans’ersely poled length extensional coupling factor (k11): The coupling factor of a sideelectrodcd bar (see Figure 3) excited along the polarization direction using a small alternating current electric field. See also: coupling factor.
4.6 Poling
Crystal manufacturers shall determine the poling method to reduce the domain reorientation after poling. Both incomplete poling and over-poling shall be avoided. Over-poling describes the application of an electric field that is too large and that causes permanent damage to the crystals due to micro-cracks and density variation; furthermore, local over-poling induces phase transition in the crystal.
A method for room temperature poling follows. For PMNT samples of all three compositions the poling can be completed by applying a typical field up to 5 kV/cm for less than I mm. For PZNT samples of all three compositions the poling can be completed by applying a typical field up to 8 kV/cm for less than I mm.
Poled crystals require special handling for shipping (see Annex B).
4.7 Poling direction
The poling direction is designated by indicating the faces to be electroded for poling and the crystallographic direction perpendicular to the faces. Issues associated with poling are discussed in 4.6.
The poling direction shall be marked on each single-crystal sample according to the convention in which a dot (.) is placed on the positive electrode to represent the upward direction of the poling vector.
The buyer should specify poling direction to the seller (see Annex A).IEEE Std 1859 pdf download.

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