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IEEE Std 1854 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1854 pdf free download.Smart Distribution Applications.
faulted circuit indicator (FCI): A single- or multi-phase device designed to sense fault current and provide an indication that the fault current has passed through the power conductor(s) at the point where the FCI sensor is installed.
intelligent electronic device (lED): Any device incorporating one or more processors with the capability to receive or send datalcontrol from or to an external source (e.g., electronic multifunction meters, digital relays, controllers).
load tap changer (I1’C): A selector switch device, which may include current interrupting contactors, used to change transformer taps with the transformer energized and carrying full load.
long-term evolution (LTE): Long-term evolution is cell phone terminology. Current phones run 4G LTE (i.e., the fourth generation or cell signal (4G) with LTE packets). The FCC spectrum bands for LTE are 700 MHz for commercial services. 1900 MHz for personal communications service, 2300 MHz for wireless communications services, and 600 MHz for broadcast television UHF band.
microgrid: A group of interconnected loads and distributed energy resources (DERs) with clearly defined electrical boundaries that acts as a single controllable entity with respect to the grid and can connect and disconnect from the grid to enable it to operate in both grid connected or island mode.
multiple address system (MAS): The Federal Communication Commission designation for a set of frequency pairs in the 928 MHz to 952 MHz range.
remote terminal unit (RTU): A piece of equipment located at a distance from a master station to monitor and control the state of outlying power equipment and to communicate the infonnation back to the master station or host. RTU is becoming an embedded function in distribution devices. See: intelligent electronic device.
snia II distribution: The integration of power measurements, two-way communications, analytical decision making, and supervision to execute decisions to improve the delivery of electric energy.
smart grid: The integration ofpower, communications, and information technologies for an improved electric power infrastructure serving loads while providing for an ongoing evolution of end-usc applications.
smart meter: A microprocessor-based electronic device that records consumption of electric energy and provides two-way communications to report the meter data on a periodic basis to the utility for monitoring and billing purposes.
supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA): A generic term used to indicate monitoring and controlling devices that are physically located remotely from a centralized computer. Some form of communication is implied between the central location and the outlying devices.
var: An abbreviation for volt-ampere reactive used to express reactive power in an ac electric power system. Reactive power exists in an ac circuit when the current and voltage are not in phase.
volt var control (VVC): A general term that encompasses the entire topic of managing voltage and reactive power flow on the electric distribution system to achieve utility-specified operating objectives, which include maintaining acceptable conditions at all times and improving feeder efficiency and performance.
volt-var optimization (VVO): A general term that encompasses the entire topic of managing voltage and reactive power flow on the electric distribution system to achieve optimal performance whose objectives include minimizing energy consumption, electrical losses, and peak electrical demand.
voltage regulator: A device that controls voltage output within a specific range when the voltage input and connected load are within specified ranges.IEEE Std 1854  pdf download.

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