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IEEE Std 1722 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1722 pdf free download.Layer 2 Transport Protocol for Time-Sensitive Applications in Bridged Local Area Networks.
3.3 Reserved fields Any field within a data structure that is defined in this specification as reserved is reserved for future standardization. All reserved fields specified in this standard shall be set to a value of zero (0) on transmit. All reserved fields specified in this standard shall be ignored on receive. 3.4 Numerical values Decimal, hexadecimal, and binary numbers are used within this document. For clarity, decimal numbers are generally used to represent counts, hexadecimal numbers are used to represent addresses, and binary numbers are used to describe bit patterns within binary fields. Decimal numbers are represented in their usual 0, 1, 2, … format. Hexadecimal numbers are represented by a string of one or more hexadecimal (0 to 9 and A to F) digits followed by the subscript 16. Binary numbers are represented by a string of one or more binary (0,1) digits in left to right order where the left-most bit is the most significant bit and the right-most bit is the least significant bit, followed by the subscript 2. Thus, the decimal number “26” may also be represented as “1A 16 ” or “11010 2 .” These notational conventions have one exception: MAC addresses and IEEE Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI)/IEEE Extended Unique Identifier (EUI) values are represented as strings of 8 bit hexadecimal numbers separated by hyphens and without a subscript as, for example, “01-80-C2-00-00-15” or “AA-55-11.”
3.5.1 Bit, octet, doublet, and quadlet ordering All Audio Video Transport Protocol Data Units (AVTPDUs) consist of an integral number of octets, which are numbered starting from 1 and increasing in the order that they are put into a Data Link Service Data Unit. The bits in each octet are numbered from 0 to 7, where 7 is the low-order bit. When consecutive octets are used to represent a binary number, the lower octet number has the most significant value. When the encoding of (an element of) a Multiple Registration Protocol Data Unit is represented using a diagram in this clause, the following representations are used: a) Octet 1 is shown toward the top of the page, higher numbered octets being toward the bottom. b) Where more than one octet appears on a given line, octets are shown with the lowest numbered octet to the left, higher numbered octets being to the right. c) Within an octet, bits are shown with bit 0 to the left and bit 7 to the right. Figure 3.1 represents a decimal value of 1, a hexadecimal value of 01 16 , and a binary value of 00000001 2 with the only bit in the octet set to one of the least significant bit, bit 7.
3.5.2 Field value conventions This document describes values of fields. For clarity, names can be associated with each of these defined values, as illustrated in Table 3.1. A symbolic name, consisting of uppercase letters with underscore separators, allows other portions of this document to reference the value by its symbolic name, rather than by a numerical value.IEEE Std 1722 pdf download.

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