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IEEE Std 1636.1 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1636.1 pdf free download.Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Test Results and Session Information via the eXtensible Markup Language (XML).
2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e.. they must be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.
IEEE Std l636T12O18, IEEE Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Lnformation Collection and Analysis (SlMlCA).
World Wide Web Consortium. (W3C) extensible Markup Language (XML). 1.0 (Fifth Edition) Proposed Edited Recommendation.’
World Wide Web Consortium, (W3C) OWL Web Ontology Language (OWL 2), W3C Recommendation.
3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Sta,idarcis Didilonarv
Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause.
component (in an extensible Markup Language (XML) schema): The generic term for the building blocks that comprise the abstract data model of the schema.
extensible Markup Language (XML) attribute: Name-value pair associated with an XML. element.
extensible Markup Language (XML) document: A (text) data object that conforms to the XML. requirements for being well-formed (as defined by W3C).
extensible Markup Language (XML) namespace: A method for distinguishing XML elements and attributes that may have the same name but different meanings. A URL is used as a prefix to a ‘local name.” This combination ensures the uniqueness of the element or attribute name. The URL is used only as a way to create a unique prefix and does not have to resolve to a real page on the Internet.
NOTE—See Narnespaces in XML 1.0 [137j.
extensible Markup Language (XML) schema: The structure or framework used to define a data record. This includes each field’s name, type. shape, dimension, and mapping.
framework: A framework is a real or conceptual structure expressed as a set of abstract classes. The framework provides a context for the components to be used.
instance document: A textual information set grouped for some purpose that is governed by a single XML Schema.
4. Test results and session information
4.1 Background
Current automatic test system architectures are implemented with tight coupling between components. This tight coupling inhibits interoperability by requiring components of the automatic test system to be developed specific to that particular architecture. In many cases, this coupling can be reduced by developing the components that operate relative to standard interfaces.
This document will facilitate accomplishing several objectives. First, the document will serve as a single source for specifying essential test data with data elements related to the unit under test (UUT), the test station, and the test program. Second, the document will assist the automatic test equipment (ATE) industry to design and create compatible, interoperabie tool sets such as data parsers and writers. Third, the standard will assist ATE users of such data (e.g., automotive, semiconductor, aerospace. and military) to process and display test results across a variety of systems.
This document has been developed as a bbcomponent standard” or “dot standard” under the SIMIC’A family base document (IEEE Std 1636). The SIMICA family of standards purpose is to specify software interfaces for access, exchange, and analysis of product diagnostic and maintenance information. Test results provide a subset of the data needed to satisfy SI MICA’s requirements.IEEE Std 1636.1 pdf download.

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