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IEEE Std 1110 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1110 pdf free download.Synchronous Generator Modeling Practices and Parameter Verification with Applications in Power System Stability Analyses.
To some extent, the techniques developed in those early years remained relatively untouched until the last three or four decades of the twentieth century. Although it was in theory possible to develop relatively complex generator models prior to this time, limited computational capability meant that such models were impractical for use in large-scale stability studies. However, with the advent of the digital computer, the picture changed significantly and computational capability continues to grow at a rapid rate. In addition, the growing complexity of electric power systems combined with the advent of more sophisticated generator and system controls, such as high-speed, solid-state excitation systems, greatly increased the demands on stability programs. In response, the latter part of the twentieth century saw an increased interest in synchronous generator modeling. This interest took many forms. For example, initial investigations attempted to correlate the performance of synchronous machine models with the measured performance of specific machines following transient disturbances on a power system (Chorlton and Shackshaft [B7], Dandeno et al. [B13]). Other investigators developed alternate techniques for determining machine parameters (Manchur et al. [B58]). The objective of this and related work, which continues to this day, is to improve the existing capability to analyze and predict the dynamic behavior of electric power systems. This work becomes increasingly important with the ever-increasing demands being placed on power systems as they continue to grow in size and complexity and as deregulation significantly modifies the way these systems are operated and controlled.This guide contains instructions for modeling synchronous machines in direct- and quadrature-axis equivalent circuits, along with the basic transient and subtransient reactance/time-constants model in view of stability studies. It discusses assumptions made in using various models and presents the fundamental equations and concepts involved in generator/system interfacing. The manner in which generator saturation is treated in network studies, both in the initialization process as well as during large or small disturbance stability analysis procedures is addressed. Approaches for improving the accuracy of field and excitation system quantities are identified and conversion factors are given for transferring field parameters from one base to another for correct generator/excitation system interface modeling. Parameter determination and translation from equivalent-circuits to operational impedances or vice-versa is covered. Data analysis methods for obtaining these parameters using measurements from field tests or finite-element computations are explained and illustrated with a wide range of generator and test data. However, this guide refers to applicable standards (such as IEEE Std 115) or contract specification for scheduling such tests. Also, this guide does not attempt to recommend specific procedures for machine representation in non-standard or atypical cases such as generator tripping and overspeed operation or models for harmonics or unbalanced operation.The modeling of synchronous machines for stability studies and analyses is subject to continuing review and possible improvements. The guide addresses both parameter identification for static and dynamic stability analyses while accounting for generator saturation. Emphasis is placed on discussing various aspects of synchronous generator/power system interactions in steady and dynamic operation modes.IEEE Std 1110 pdf download.

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