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IEEE Std 1106 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1106 pdf free download.Installation, Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of Vented Nickel- Cadmium Batteries for Stationary Applications.
internal ohmic measurement: A measurement of the electronic and ionic conduction paths within a cell or unit, expressed in terms of impedance, conductance, or resistance. partially recombinant nickel-cadmium cell: A vented nickel-cadmium cell providing an internal means for the recombination of internally generated oxygen and suppression of hydrogen gas evolution to limit water consumption, typically operating with a recombination efficiency of 90% or higher.
The following criteria should be observed regarding location: a)  Space and floor supports allocated for the battery and associated equipment should allow for present and future needs. Calculations should be performed to ensure that floor loading capabilities are not exceeded. b)  The general battery area selected should be clean, dry, and ventilated and should provide adequate  space  and  illumination  for  inspection,  maintenance,  testing,  and  cell replacement. Space should also be provided above the cells to allow for operation of lifting equipment, addition of water, and taking of measurements (e.g., voltages, temperature, etc.). c)  The battery should be protected against natural phenomena such as earthquakes, winds, and flooding, as well as induced phenomena such as fire, explosion, missiles, pipe whips, discharging fluids, CO2 discharge, and other hazards. d)  The optimum range for cell electrolyte temperature is 20 °C to 25 °C, and it is the basis for rated performance. A location where this temperature can be maintained will contribute to optimum battery life, performance, and cost of operation. Although nickel‐cadmium batteries are tolerant of extreme temperatures, low temperatures will decrease battery capacity, whereas prolonged high temperatures will shorten battery life (see A.4). Installation in a location with an ambient temperature below the optimum operating temperature will affect sizing. Refer to IEEE Std 1115™. 5 e)  The location and arrangement of cells should result in no greater than a 5 °C temperature differential between cells at a given time. Avoid conditions that result in spot heating or cooling, as temperature variation will cause the battery to become electrically unbalanced.
f)  The battery location should be such that direct sunlight on the cells is avoided, as this may damage plastic cell cases and create localized heating. g)  For personnel safety in the event of electrolyte spillage, portable or stationary water facilities shall be provided. Provisions for neutralizing, containing, and/or safely disposing of electrolyte should be included. The floor surface should be alkali‐resistant. h)  The charger and main power distribution center should be as close as practical to the battery, consistent with item j).
7.2.5 Automated monitoring Some of the parameters in 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 may be measured and recorded by an automated monitoring system. Such a system can simplify record‐keeping and may also include alarm functionality for measurements outside acceptable limits. Many monitoring systems include a capability for ohmic measurements; see Annex H for a discussion of the significance of ohmic measurements in Ni‐Cd cells. Some systems may monitor electrolyte level in one or more cells. Monitoring systems are not a substitute for visual inspections. Those activities described in 7.2.1 through 7.2.3 that are not performed automatically should be carried out according to the recommended schedule.IEEE Std 1106 pdf download.

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