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IEEE Std 1082 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1082 pdf free download.Incorporating Human Reliability Analysis into Probabilistic Risk Assessments for Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities.
3.2.1 PRA compatibility
The HRAprocess proposed is suitable to all levels of a PRAgiven defined human failure events. If these are not defined, then this guidance cannot be applied successfully. The risk focus of a PRA requires the quantitative results of an HRA to be probabilistic in nature. Applications of PRAs to risk management efforts require
that the HRA documents in sufficient detail the analyst’s human factors considerations for the human failure events. The PRA can have a diverse range of applications, the objectives of which may not be completely identified prior to the assessment. The HRA process should be flexible enough to anticipate some of the likely applications of the results of the HRA. For example, this may include design changes, procedure changes, training development, safety evaluations, or technical specification modification.
3.2.2 Qualitative HRA
While the approach identified in this guide supports HRA quantification as part of the PRA, it should be noted that there is an increasing emphasis on the importance of qualitative HRA [B15], i.e., HRA that does not produce a human error probability, but rather insights into the human’s role and contribution to overall system performance. The HRA approach in this guide supports both qualitative and quantitative aspects of HRA. For PRA, the quantitative approach should be adopted. For non-PRA applications of HRA, steps relevant to quantification should be omitted as appropriate.
3.2.3 The relationship of approach to results
Assumptions made by human reliability analysts about the relative importance of various human activities will influence the breadth and detail of models developed for the HRA. The data and chosen method of quantifying human interactions will influence the specific estimates or ranges of uncertainty obtained, although there is generally good agreement between HRA methods. If results point to the need to improve
the reliability of selected systems and accompanying human interactions, these improvements should either be readily identifiable from the documented HRA or should be the subject of further or different analytical
methods that will allow improvements to be identified as described in method-specific documents. In addition to method-specific guidance, general guidance on selection of appropriate HRA approaches can be found in cross-method overview documents such as [B2], [B3], and [B14]. The HRA analyst should be mindful of this when considering the specific approach to be taken.
3.3.2 Existing versus new HRA The process outlined in Figure 1 represents an approach that may be used to create a new HRA. In creating a new HRA, the HRA should be integrated into the PRA process and not viewed as an independent analysis from the PRA. In practice, it is common to start with an existing HRA for a similar system or plant and then reuse and modify it with details specific to the new analysis. The proper documentation of the initial HRA across all steps helps to ensure that reuse is viable. When reusing and modifying an existing HRA, analysts should carefully document any changes in assumptions and their consequences in the new analysis. Steps in Figure 1 may be omitted when feasible as part of the reuse process. The applicability of specific steps will vary according to the types of modifications made to the existing HRA.
3.3.3 HRA structure The HRA should be incorporated within the PRA in a stepwise manner. The HRA should begin at a level that is broad enough to help ensure completeness without including unnecessary details. As the analysis moves forward, the focus on risk-significant aspects of the plant that affect the core damage frequency becomes possible, and breadth can be traded for depth in the analysis. This narrowing of the analysis requires evaluation and judgment. This focusing of the analysis is referred to as“screening” by PRApractitioners.
IEEE Std 1082 pdf download.

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