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IEEE P7002 D7 pdf free download

IEEE P7002 D7 pdf free download.Draft Standard for Data Privacy Process.
4. Process overview and scene setting
4.1 Key terminology
There is often uncertainty as to the distinction between certain key terms that are often used when discussing privacy risk management, including:
a) Data privacy and privacy. Privacy is personal and contextual, experienced by each person in a variety of different ways. Data privacy is a subset of privacy, which relates to privacy considerations that arise from the processing of data that relates to individuals.
b) Data privacy and information security. The goals of data privacy and information security are overlapping in some instances and distinct in others. The goals of information security are typically characterized by preventing the loss of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. In contrast, data privacy does not have equivalent, widely agreed upon goals, although it is often related to the fair and legitimate processing of personal data. As data privacy is just a part of the wider set of privacy issues, so information security is just a part of the wider field of security. For more information about data privacy objectives, see 7.2.2.
c) Data privacy and data protection. Some jurisdictions avoid the use of the term ‘privacy” (for instance it doesn’t appear in the General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR]), but rather focus on the protection of data that relates to individuals, and the principles, rights, responsibilities, and obligations involved when processing personal data. While data protection laws and regulations often overlap with privacy and security issues, they are distinct5. For example, group privacy, the privacy of groups as opposed to specific individuals, might be considered an issue in data privacy, but is generally not covered in data protection law.
d) Personal data/personal information, and personally identifiable intbrmation (P11). This standard uses the term “personal data.” although the standard can also apply in jurisdictions that use the term “personal information” or “P11.” These three terms are all used to describe information that relates to individuals. Depending on jurisdiction, different terms arc used, with slightly different scopes regarding what is considered to be relatable to an individual. In applying this standard an organization should use the term most appropriate for their jurisdiction(s).
e) Data privacy and confidential data. Data privacy is. as described above, related to privacy considerations that arise from the processing of data that relates to individuals. Confidential data refers to agreed upon access restrictions to data that may or may not relate to individuals. This standard looks at the process for protecting data privacy, which might incorporate the protection of confidential data as it relates to individuals, but extends beyond simply protecting such confidential data.
In addition to the terms covered here, Subclause 3.1 provides definitions and further context to other key terms used in this standard. The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in the glossary. Where a term is not defined in the core text, the Glossary, or the IEEE Standards dictionary, its intended meaning is the commonly used dictionary definition.
IEEE P7002 D7 pdf download.

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