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IEEE P384-D2 pdf free download

IEEE P384-D2 pdf free download.Draft Standard for Criteria for Independence of Class 1 E Equipment and Circuits.
3. Definitions
For the purposes of this document. the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Sfanclards Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause. X
acceptable: Demonstrated to be adequate by the safety analysis of the station.
associated circuits: Non-Class I E circuits that are not physically separated or arc not electrically isolated from Class 1E circuits by acceptable separation distance, safety class structures, barriers, or isolation devices. Circuits include the interconnecting cabling and the connected loads.
auxiliary supporting features: Systems or components that provide services (such as cooling, lubrication, and energy supply) that are required for the safety system to accomplish its safety functions.
barrier: A device or structure interposed between redundant Class I E equipment or circuits, or between Class 1 E equipment or circuits and a potential source of damage to limit damage to Class 1 E systems to an acceptable level.
beyond-design-basis external event (BI)BEI): Events initiated by natural phenomena that either exceed the protections provided by design basis features or involve natural phenomena within the design basis in combination with beyond-design-basis failures leading to an extended loss of ac power and/or loss of ultimate heat sink.
cable in free air: That portion of a cable not routed in either a raceway or an enclosure.
Class I E: The safety classification of the electric equipment and systems that are essential to emergency reactor shutdown, containment isolation, reactor core cooling, and containment and reactor heat removal, or arc otherwise essential in preventing a significant release of radioactive material to the environment.
NOTE — User of this standard are advised that “Class IE” is a functional term. Equipment and systems are to be classified Class I E only if they fulfill the functions listed in the definition. Identification of systems or equipment as Class IE based on anything other than their function is an improper use of the term and should be avoided.9
current carrying circuit: A circuit that uses electrical current through a metallic conductor as the means of transmitting signals or power.
design basis events: Postulated abnormal events used in the design to establish the acceptable performance requirements of the structures, systems, and components.
division: The designation applied to a given system or set of components that enables the establishment and maintenance of physical. electrical, and functional independence from other redundant sets of components.
NOTE—The terms division, train, channel, separation group, safeti’ group. or load group, when used in this context of this IEEE Standard arc interchangeable.9
enclosure: An identifiable housing. such as a cubicle, compartment, terminal box. panel, or enclosed raceway, used for electrical equipment or cables.
fiber-optic circuit: An instrumentation circuit that uses light through a tTher-optic cable as the means of transmitting signals. The fiber-optic circuit does not include the electrical current carrying components of the interface devices.
flame retardant: Capable of limiting the propagation of a fire beyond the area of influence of the energy source that initiated the fire.
FLEX: Diverse and flexible mitigation strategies that increase defense-in-depth for beyond-design-basis external events to address an extended loss of alternating current power and loss of normal access to the ultimate heat sink.IEEE P384-D2 pdf download.

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