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IEEE ISO IEC 15026-4 pdf free download

IEEE ISO IEC 15026-4 pdf free download.Systems and software engineering一 Systems and software assurance 一 Part 4: Assurance in the life cycle.
5.2 Assurance claim and assurance information
A claim for which system or software assurance is considered, is called an assurance claim. The system assurance process view in Clause 6 and the software assurance process view in Clause 7 can be used to achieve the assurance claim, and to provide assurance information that shows the achievement. Commonly, such an assurance claim is in area where substantial risks or consequences are involved such as reliability and maintainability, safety, security, or human factors.
While the assurance claim can be derived from a number of sources, it is normally motivated by potential real-world adverse consequences associated with the capability of the system, the intended use of the system, and the outcomes produced by the system.
The body of information showing that the system-of-interest achieves the assurance claim is called assurance information, which includes:
a) the assurance claim,
b) the required degree of confidence in achievement of the assurance claim,
c) justification of selection of the assurance claim,
d) evidence of achievement of the assurance claim, adequate for the required degree of confidence, and
e) an argument about how the evidence in d) supports achievement of the assurance claim a).
The item b) includes the required integrity level of the system with respect to the assurance claim. Items c), d), e) should be adequate for the required degree of confidence in b). The item e) should reflect satisfaction of the assurance claim (item a)) commensurate with the required degree of confidence.
NOTE Assurance case as specified by ISO/IEC 15026-2 can be used as a structured approach to compile these items of assurance information.
The argument often includes several different kinds of sub-arguments, e.g. arguments based on design rationale, use of defensive design techniques, verification and validation results, performance of similar systems or products, conformance to standards, or field data. An argument consisting of different kinds of sub-arguments gains more confidence in achievement of the assurance claim.
The assurance information is maintained and updated throughout the system life cycle, in accordance with the change of the system during maintenance and redevelopment. The assurance information is a configuration element of the system-of-interest and associated with all the system life cycle processes. In particular, the assurance information needs to be controlled within the configuration management process which activates the verification process and the validation process, which in turn provides the contents.
5.3 Using this document
5.3.1 General
This document can be used for establishing an agreement between an acquirer and a supplier, for regulatory purposes, or for assessment of internal development processes. This document clarifies what it means both to achieve the assurance claim and to demonstrate that the assurance claim is achieved. Its use is, however, not limited to these three purposes.
5.3.2 Use for an agreement
This document can be used for establishing an agreement between an acquirer and a supplier concerning achieving the assurance claim and showing the achievement. The acquirer and supplier relationship can be at different levels of the supply chain (prime-supplier, internal to one organization, etc.).
NOTE An agreement can range in formality from a written contract to a verbal understanding.IEEE ISO IEC 15026-4 pdf download.

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