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IEEE Std 1922.2 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1922.2 pdf free download.Method to Calculate Near Real-Time Emissions of Information and Communication Technology Infrastructure.
emissions: Gaseous and particle emissions caused by the generation of electricity consumed by the ICT system.
grid mix emission factor: Corresponds to the average emissions per average unit of electricity delivered for an entire electricity system. Another type is the marginal emission factor, but it is not the focus on this standard. Si’iz: average emission factor.
ICT system: The system to which the standard is applied.
indirect emissions: In this standard, indirect emissions are related to life cycle stages other than the generation of the power plants (e.g., building the power plant).
life cycle assessment (LCA): A life cycle assessment is a standardized method to assess the potential environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product or service life cycle. The method is described in the ISO 14040:44 [B39j standards.2 General LCA guidance can be found in the ILCD Handbook while ICT specific LCA guidance are presented in the ETSI ES 203 199 standard, and the ITU-T L. 1400 standard series (see [1333], [1336], [B34], [1335], [B37], and [B38]).
life cycle emissions: Emissions occurring during the whole life cycle of the power plant. It includes emissions from the extraction of raw materials used to build the plant, from the transportation of these materials, as well as the emission during the power plant use phase (e.g., emissions from fossil fuel combustion), and the dismantlement of the power plant at the end of litè. It generally also includes the emissions from electricity distribution and transport losses (which correspond to the sum of scope I, scope 2 and scope 3 as referred by the GHG Protocol [B561). Following the standard terminology. lifecycle emissions accounts for the direct and indirect emissions. Sin. LCA emissions.
marginal electricity: Electricity generated by a marginal power plant.
marginal emissions: Emissions related to the generation ofmarginal electricity.
marginal power plant: A power plant that adapts its power generation capacity to meet a change in the regional power demand. A marginal power plant may increase or decrease its power generation capacity depending on the situation. There are different types of marginal emission factors, as described in [824].
representativeness: Level of how well or how accurately something reflects upon a sample.
temporal resolution: Refers to the granularity of the data used to model the power generation. Depending on the source of data, the resolution may be annual, monthly, hourly, or near real time (each 5 mm or less).
uncertainty: The uncertainty encompasses for all mechanisms leading to a divergence between the calculated emissions and the real emissions. The uncertainty is caused by the use of measured and modeled data, and mathematical relations that do not exactly reproduce the reality.
3. Detailed purpose
This standard is needed because the current calculation of emissions related to electricity consumption by ICT during their use phase is uncertain due to simplifying assumptions of average emissions. The standard provides a more accurate figure of the environmental footprint of ICT infrastructures in real time.IEEE Std 1922.2 pdf download.

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