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IEEE Std 802.1AR pdf free download

IEEE Std 802.1AR pdf free download.Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Secure Device Identity.
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The iEEE Stwidurds Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clausc.
3.1 aggregate device: A device containing multiple logical or physical devices.
3.2 authentication: Verification that a claimed identity is correct.
3.3 authentication exchange: The information exchange between entities performing authentication.
NOTE—Examples of authentication exchange methods are Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) and Simple Authentication and Security I.ayer (SASL).
3.4 Authenticator: An entity that facilitates authentication of other entities attached to the same LAN.
3.5 Basic Encoding Rules (BER): Rules, specified in ISO/IEC 8825-1, for encoding ASN. 1 data types.
3.6 certificate: A digitally signed object that binds information identifying an entity that possesses a secret
private key to the corresponding public key.
3.7 certificate chain: An ordered list of intermediate certificates (3.30) that links an end entity certificate (in
this standard, a DeviD certificate) to a trust anchor.
3.8 certificate revocation list (CRL): A signed list of revoked certificates.
3.9 certificate signing request (CSR): A signed message from the device to the CA requesting a certificate
be issued.
3.10 certification authority (CA): An entity that issues X.509 digital certificates.
3.11 cipher suite: A set of one or more cryptographic algorithms.
3.12 client: A protocol entity that makes use of a service.
3.13 credential: Information that an entity (a person or device) possesses that allow it to make a verifiable claim of identity, i.e., to be authenticated.
NOTE— In this standard, DeviDs are credentials.
3.14 cryptographic binding: A data object constructed using cryptographic operations to combine a secret with other arbitrary data objects such that it can be proven that the resulting object could only be created by an entity having knowledge of the secret.
3.15 cryptographic key: An input parameter that varies the result of applying a cryptographic function.
3.16 customer: In this standard, the person. organization, or administrator acting on their behalf that allows
a device received from its supplier to be attached to and subsequently used in the customer’s network. 3.17 device: A device is any entity that has an IDevID (3.25).
3.18 Dcv ID: A device identifier that is cryptographically bound to the device, and comprises a DevID secret (3.21), a signed DevID certificate (3.19) that binds possession of that secret to a statement of identity made by the certificate’s issuer, and (as required by authenticating systems) a certificate chain (3.7) that links the certificate to a trust anchor (3.43).
3.19 DeviD certificate: A data object constructed using cryptographic operations to bind the DevID Name and other data to a Dcv ID secret (3.21) possessed by the device.
3.20 l)evlI) module: A logical security component that securely stores and operates on Devil) secret(s) and associated DevID certificate(s).
3.21 Dcv ID secret: The private key portion of a public-private key pair bound to a DevID certificate.
3.22 Dcv II) solution: The systems, protocols, and/or the policies and procedures that support the use of DevID equipped devices in a customer network.
3.23 DeID trust anchor store: The database of trust anchor information for IDeviDs and LDevIDs that is stored and used by a DevID solution. This is equivalent to the common Web browser trust anchor store and can be shipped with the DeviD solution (3.22).IEEE Std 802.1AR pdf download.

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