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IEEE Std C37.100.2 pdf free download

IEEE Std C37.100.2 pdf free download.Common Requirements for Testing of AC Capacitive Current Switching Devices over 1000 V.
4.5.2 Test voltage and grounding, three-phase test
The test voltage used for three-phase tests is the line-to-line rated maximum voltage Ur (line-to-line) expressed as an rrns voltage. For three-phase tests, the line-to-neutral test voltage measured at the capacitive current switching device location immediately before the breaking shall be not less than the device rated maximum line-to-neutral voltage UJ’I3.
For three-phase tests, the grounding shall be as follows:
a) For capacitor bank current switching tests, the capacitor bank neutral shall be grounded or isolated depending upon the capacitor bank neutral condition being tested. To test a capacitor with grounded neutral both the supply neutral and the capacitor neutral shall be grounded. To test a capacitor with ungrounded neutral, either the neutral of the supply or the neutral of the capacitor bank shall be grounded but not both.
b) For line-charging and cable-charging current switching tests, the grounding of the supply circuit shall correspond to the grounding conditions in circuits for which the capacitive current switching device is to be used:
1) For three-phase tests of a capacitive current switching device intended for use in effectively grounded systems, the neutral point of the supply circuit shall be grounded and its zero sequence impedance shall be no more than three times its positive sequence impedance.
2) For three-phase tests of a capacitive current switching device intended for use in non- effectively grounded systems, the neutral point of the supply side shall be isolated.
For convenience of testing, an alternative test circuit may be used provided the testing authority supplies evidence that equivalent values of the recovery voltage will be obtained. For example, a test circuit with a grounded neutral system and an isolated capacitor bank may be replaced, in many cases, by a test circuit with an isolated neutral system and a grounded capacitor bank.
4.5.3 Test voltage, direct single-phase test, and synthetic testing
Direct or synthetic single-phase laboratory tests may be performed as a substitute for three-phase testing. For single-phase laboratory tests, either terminal of the single-phase supply circuit can be grounded. For unit tests, the test voltage shall be chosen to correspond to the most stressed unit of the pole of the capacitive current switching device.
Proper test voltages for the various grounding conditions are acquired by the use of the capacitive voltage factor k. The correct test voltage for a test corresponding to the normal service condition for a particular application is determined by multiplying the line-to-neutral voltage of the equipment’s rated maximum voltage (U,13) by the capacitive voltage factor k. The test voltage measured at the capacitive current switching device location, immediately before the breaking, shall be not less than Uiest, the line-to-neutral voltage multiplied by the following capacitive voltage factor k. For testing in the presence of ground faults, the single or double line-to-ground fault must be applied prior to the capacitor switching, and remain applied until after the capacitor has been dcencrgized for 0.3 s.
NOTE—For three-phase testing no voltage or current multipliers are required.IEEE Std C37.100.2 pdf download.

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