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IEEE Std 1641.1a pdf free download

IEEE Std 1641.1a pdf free download.Signal and Test Definition Amendment 1: Addition of Guidelines for Producing Reusable Test Signal Frameworks for Use on Platforms Utilizing Automatic Test Markup Language.
13.6.2 General rules for name conversion
Hyphens (“-“) and spaces (““) present in ATLAS names shall be replaced with underscore””.
In names starting with numeric characters (“0-9”), the numeric character shall he moved to the end of the name and prefixed with an underscore.
The names of ATLAS nouns shall be maintained as upper case when deriving the TSF name. The names of ATLAS noun modifiers shall be changed to lower case when deriving the signal attribute name.
For example, the ATLAS noun “AC SIGNAL” is converted to the TSF named “AC SIGNAL”, the ATLAS noun modifier “ FREQ” becomes attribute “freq”, while the noun modifier “ITIMES” becomes “times_ 1 “.
Non-alphanumeric characters shall he replaced with underscore””,
— “AC SIGNAL” becomes “AC_SIGNAL”, “FREQ” becomes “freq”, “1TIMES” becomes “times_i”
— “TRIG-OUT-DRIVE” and “CURRENT-MAX” become “trig_out_drive” and “current max” respectively.
13.6.3 TSF Names
TSF names shall start with the base name of the ATLAS noun. The conversion rules specified in 13.6.2 shall apply.
Example: DC_SIGNAL is the TSF for a DC SIGNAL source.
When applicable, TSF names may also include an ATLAS noun modifier. Typically, this would happen in the following circumstance:
— When the ATLAS noun uses the modifier as a signal selector. These noun modifiers have no value; their simple presence represents a specific mode of operation for a resource. For example, the noun modifier HOPPING of noun AC SIGNAL indicates that the AC SIGNAL source performs frequency hopping.
— When multiple measurements can be performed on a signal and the noun modifiers used to describe the measured signal are different. Additionally, where the use of the generic measurement TSF name is does not contain the necessary measurement characteristic attributes, as in AC_SIGNAL. For example, measurement TSFs for AC S1GNAL could be AC_S1GNAL_VOLTAGE_TRMS and AC_SIGNAL_FREQ.
The conversion rules specified in 13.6.2 shall apply to the noun and the noun modifier. The converted noun and the converted noun modifier shall be joined by an underscore separator (“_“).
— AC_SIGNAL is the TSF for a “regular” AC SIGNAL (no frequency hopping)
— AC_SIGNAL_I lOPPING is the TSF for an AC SIGNAL that performs frequency hopping.
— AC_SIGNAL VOLTAGE_TRMS: is the TSF for a sensor AC SIGNAL that performs Voltage TRMS measurements.
NOTE—Although the modifier “HOPPING” is used in many ATLAS implementations, it was never an allowed noun modifier of AC SIGNAL, or even a modifier within the IEEE Std 716 ATLAS standards. This demonstrates the problems faced when trying to model bespoke resource-based ATLAS signals into reusable TSF libraries.
When applicable, TSF names may also include the name of the ATE “resource class” that generates, senses, or monitors the signal. Typically this is used when the ATLAS noun is supported by multiple ATE resources and different noun modifiers are supported by each resource. This takes into account the fact that the interface and behavior of some signals defined in ATLAS are often resource-specific. For example, the AC_SIGNAL generated by a power supply is different from the AC_SIGNAL generated by a function generator, the two signals utilizing different, incompatible noun modifiers.
When defining the new TSF name, the ATLAS noun shall always come first, followed by any noun modifiers (in the order they appear in the ATLAS specification), and then by the resource name (when used).
— AC_SIGNAL_ACPS is the TSF for an AC SIGNAL source implemented by the “ACPS” ATE resource (or by a resource of type “ACPS”, ow which several may exist).
13.6.4 Removed “Signal Mode” modifiers
Subclause 13.6.2 describes how a separate TSF can be defined for an ATLAS noun with a “mode” noun modifier such as HOPPiNG. When this occurs, the “mode” noun modifier shall no longer appear in any of the TSFs created for the ATLAS noun.IEEE Std 1641.1a pdf download.

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