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IEEE Std 1711.2 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1711.2 pdf free download.Secure SCADA Communications Protocol (SSCP).
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause.
authentication master key: The key used by the slave device to sign challenge response messages and by the master device to verify the authenticity of authentication challenge response messages.
communication channel: The path between two devices configured to communicate with each other.
communication session; An instancc of an authenticated communication channel between two devices. The session key and sequence number define an instance of a session.
device: An implementation of Secure SCADA Communications Protocol (SSCP).
encryption master key: The key used by the master device to encrypt the Diffic-Hellman public key in Diffie-Heliman Flow 1 messages to protect against man-in-the-middle attacks and by the slave device to decrypt the Diffie-Heilman public key in the Diffie-Heilman Flow I messages as described in RFC 2631.
key exchange: A key exchange is the process used by devices to agree on a session key used for secure authentication of data throughout a communication session.
master authentication session key: The session key used by the master device to use in authentication of transmitted key exchange and data messages and by the slave device to verify the authenticity of received key exchange and data messages.
master device: A Secure SCADA Communications Protocol (SSCP) enabled device that controls the secure session establishment between a pair of devices. Only master devices shall establish new secure sessions with authenticated slave devices.
master encryption session key: The session key used by the master device to encrypt transmitted data message payloads when in authentication and encryption mode and by the slave device to decrypt received data message payloads when in authentication and encryption mode.
slave authentication session key: The session key used by the slave device to use in authentication of transmitted key exchange and data messages and by the master device to verify the authenticity of received key exchange and data messages.
slave device: A slave device is a Secure SCADA Communications Protocol (SSCP) enabled device that receives secure session establishment from a master device between a pair of devices. A slave device shall only request and await secure session establishment from the master device.
slave encryption session key: The session key used by the slave device to encrypt transmitted data message payloads when in authentication and encryption mode and by the master device to decrypt received data message payloads when in authentication and encryption mode.
synchronization (SYNC) token: The synchronization tokens are the leading two octets of all Secure SCADA Communications Protocol (SSCP) messages. The two octets are defined as Ox 16 and 0x75 to signal the start of an incoming SSCP message.The VERSION field holds the version ofSSCP in use. An SSCP frame received with an unsupported version shall be dropped. Communicating devices shall use the same version. Currently the only version is 2. NOTE- -The version number associated with this standard will begin at2 so as to not be confused with pre-standard implementations of the SSCP, which may contain a value of 1 for the version number. The previous implementations are not compatible with IEEE Std 1711.2TM due to changes in the session negotiation process. IEEE Std 1711.2 pdf download.

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