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IEEE Std C37.10 pdf free download

IEEE Std C37.10 pdf free download.Investigation, Analysis, and Reporting of Power Circuit Breaker Failures.
3.6 diagnostic tests: Comparative tests or measurements of one or more of the characteristic parameters of a circuit breaker to verify that it performs its functions.
NOTE—The result from diagnostic tests can lead to the decision of carrying out overhaul.5
3.7 electrical failure (of a circuit breaker): Failure attributable to the application of electrical stresses to the main circuit of the circuit-breaker.
3.8 examination: An inspection with the addition of partial dismantling, as required, supplemented by diagnostic
tests in order to reliably evaluate the condition of the circuit breaker.
3.9 failure: Termination of the ability of an item to perform its required functions.
NOTE—The occurrence of a failure does not necessarily imply the presence of a defect if the stress is beyond that originally
3.10 failure analysis: The logical, systematic examination of an item or its diagram(s) to identify and analyze the probability, causes, and consequences of potential and real failure. (See The IEEE Standards Dictionary: Glossary of Terms & Definitions.)
3.11 failure cause: The circumstances during design, manufacture, or use that have led to failure. Synonym: root cause. (See The IEEE Standards Dictionary: Glossary of Ter,ns & Definitions.)
3.12 failure detection: Examination to determine the position, evidence, and type of failure.
3.13 failure mode: The manner in which failure occurs; generally categorized as electrical, mechanical, thermal,
and contamination.
3.14 failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA): A process of identifying potential failures and their
corresponding effects on the product or process under consideration—generally a design tool; however, it can also
be used for failure analysis.
3.15 focused tests: Tests performed to identify a particular area of failure.
3.16 forensic engineering: Forensic engineering is the investigation of materials, products, structures or components that fail or do not operate or function as intended, causing personal injury or damage to property.
3.17 initiating cause: A cause that directly leads to the failure.
3.18 in-service inspection: Investigation of the principal features of the circuit breaker in service, without dismantling. This investigation is generally directed toward pressures and/or levels of fluids, tightness, position of relays, pollution of insulating parts; however, actions such as lubricating, cleaning, washing, etc., that can be carried out with the circuit breaker in service are included.
NOTE The observations resulting from inspection can lead to the decision of carrying out overhaul.
3.19 major failure (of a circuit breaker): Failure of a circuit breaker that causes the termination of one or more of its fundamental functions, which necessitates immediate action.
NOTE I —A major failure will result in an immediate change in system operating condition; e.g., the backup protective equipment being required to remove the fault, or will result in mandatory removal from service for non-scheduled maintenance (intervention required within 30 mm).
NOTE 2—CIGRE WG A3.0 defines a switchgear major failure as ‘failure of a switchgear and control gear which causes the cessation of one or more of its fundamental functions. A major failure will result in an immediate change in the system operating conditions, e.g., the backup protective equipment will be required to remove the fault, or will result in mandatory removal from service within 30 minutes for unscheduled maintenance.”IEEE Std C37.10 pdf download.

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