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IEEE Std 1876 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1876 pdf free download.Networked Smart Learning Objects for Online Laboratories.
3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards Didionarv Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause.3
client: An entity that enables the user to access/exploit centralized services and resources, in this context, the online lab.
NOTE— When live interaction is supported, the client interface enables an interactive experimentation mode where the results are collected in real time; otherwise the client interface enables a bawh experinle’nralion mode where the results are collected at a later time.
experiment: A scientific procedure to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact. In the context of this standard, it consists of a sequence of service calls to LaaS, followed by internal LaaS activities, and its corresponding responses to the client.
laboratory: A set of hardware or software (or both) components that arc integrated to perform scientific experiments in an educational context. Svn. lab.
learning acthitv: An ordered set of tasks for a learner or a group of learners to acquire some knowledge or skills resulting in learning outcomes.
learning object (LO): Any entity, digital or non-digital. that can be used for learning, education, or training. (IEEE Std 1484.12.1-2002.)
NOTE—This document addresses how online labs can be exploited as a learning object. The online lab could be either remote or virtual, especially designed for individual or collaborative, synchronous or asynchronous learning activities. Examples include distance learning. personal learning, blended learning, or Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
online laboratory: A laboratory that is accessible via computer networks, such as the Internet. An online lab can either be virtual, remote, or hybrid of the two.
remote laboratory: A set of network-connected physical devices that can be observed and controlled at distance.
NOTE— The assumption is that the underlying connecting network is the Internet. The physical devices are mainly sensors and actuators that respectively sense and change the physical environment they are sitting in. A remote lab is hosted in a physical space (e.g., building. nature…) and is provided and/or managed by lab providers (e.g., person. institution, organization, or company). A remote lab could support two modes of interaction: real-time and batch. In the real-time mode, the user experiments and collects data live, while in the batch mode the user submits the experimental commands and collects the results at a later time.
server: An entity that manages/provides access to centralized resources or services. NOTE—ln the context of this standard, an LaaS server.
virtual laboratory: An interactive simulation of physical phenomena supported by mathematical models or experimental datasets.
NOTE—The simulations are provided as sollware applications, which allow the learners to assimilate some knowledge regarding some scientific theories and physical phenomena. otherwise impossible in a real physical space (e.g., generation of nuclear power). The simulations run on physical and remote application servers. A virtual lab is provided and/or maintained by the same or different entities (person, institution, organization, or company).IEEE Std 1876 pdf download.

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