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IEEE Std 1844 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1844 pdf free download.Determining Circuit Integrity Performance of Fire Resistive Cables in Nucl ear Facillities.
1.4 Disclaimer
The results obtained using this test do not imply that cables of similar cable construction will necessarily perform the same way in other arrangements, other cable raceway configurations, or other environments.
1.5 Test precautions
Fire testing of products and materials is inherently hazardous. Adequate safety precautions and safeguards for personnel and property shall be employed while conducting these tests. Ensure cable manufacturer’s recommendations are followed for cable handling, (i.e., cable storage, minimum bend radius).
2. Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause.
American rire gauge (AWG): Designation for conductor sizes used primarily in North America. The AWG number is inversely proportional to the cross sectional area of the conductor.
circular mu (cmii): The area of a circle whose diameter is one mit (one mil is one-thousandth of an inch). One crnil= 7.854 x 10—7 in2 (5.067 x 10—4mm2)
communication cable: A cable that carries low level electric energy used for the transmission of communication frequencies. A communication cable consists of two or more insulated conductors with either shielded or unshielded sheath. Examples include CAT cable. profibus, data net, telephone. fleldbus, rnodbus etc.
control cable: Cable used in a control function application. e.g., interconnection of control switches, indicating lights, relays, solenoids. etc. Generally the cable construction is 600 V or 1000 V, single or multiple conductors, typically in wire sizes 8 to I4AWG.
tire resistive cable: An electrical cable that complied with the requirements of this standard for the type of cable to be tested and that meets the cable functionality requirements described herein.
tire-resistance rating: The measured time, in hours or fractions thereof, that the system will withstand fire exposure as determined by fire tests conducted in conformity to recognize standards.
instrument cable: Cable used for instrument application where the cable construction is generally 300 V (but may be 600 V), twisted pairs or triads, typically in wire sizes 16 AWG or 18 AWG. For the purposes of this document, fiber optic, telephone, data communication, and other specialty cables are not considered instrument cable.
low-voltage power cable: Cable designed to supply power to utilization devices of the plant auxiliary system, operated at 600 V to 2000 V in sizes ranging from 14 AWG to 2000 kcmil.
qualified assembly: The associated components. support features, and configuration used during the test to represent the installed in plant conditions.
sample: The individual length of insulated conductor, cable or cable bundle, and construction for testing. utilization voltage: For ac power circuits the utilization voltage is ±5% the nominal system voltage. For dc circuits the utilization voltage is the equalizing voltage of the dc system.
3.4 Cable functionality circuit
3.4.1 Power cable
The following requirements shall apply when testing power cable:
Power cable shall be tested at the utilization voltage. When utilization voltage is not provided, the power cable shall be tested at rated voltage. The test voltage applied shall be in ac volts, measured in rms. If a voltage other than the rated voltage of the cable is used, then any rating assigned to the cable test assembly shall be limited to the tested voltage.
The power supply shall be a solidly grounded. three-phase, wye-connected source. The power supply shall be of sufficient capacity to maintain the initially applied voltage at any current up to and including any overload current permitted by the safety device.
Each insulated conductor shall be connected to a phase leg of the supply (Li, L2, or L3). For cables with greater than three insulated conductors, only three conductors need to be connected to the supply. All other conductors shall be connected to ground. Figure 2 shows a generic illustrative example of the circuit functionality circuit for use with power cable.IEEE Std 1844 pdf download.

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