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IEEE Std 400.4 pdf free download

IEEE Std 400.4 pdf free download.Field Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems Rated 5 kV and Above with Damped Alternating Current (DAC) Voltage.
electrical tree: Tree-like growths, consisting of non-solid or carbonized micro-channels that can occur at stress enhancements such as protrusions, contaminants, voids or water tree/dry insulation interfaces subjected to electrical stress for extended time periods. At the site of an electrical tree, the insulation is damaged irreversibly. If the voltage stress on the electrical tree is above the inception voltage, partial discharge will be present, the tree will grow, and a failure can occur in only a matter of time.
hybrid cable system: A cable system consisting of cables with very different dielectric or construction characteristics, for example, extruded dielectric insulation cable and laminated insulation cable or cables with filled and unfilled insulations.
(insulation) weak spot: A part of the cable insulation system where, due to one or more factors such as mechanical, chemical, or thermal stresses, the insulation medium breaks down before the rest of the system under certain applied voltage. An insulation weak spot that leads to a breakdown at operating voltage is sometimes called a gross defect.
laminated dielectrics: Insulation formed in layers typically from fluid-impregnated tapes of either cellulose paper or polypropylene or a combination of the two. Examples include paper-insulated, lead- covered (PILC) cable designs, mass-impregnated, non-draining (MIND) cable designs, high pressure pipe type cable designs, and self-contained cable systems.
partial discharge (PD): Localized electrical discharge that only partially bridges the insulation between conductors.
partial discharge (PD) pulse: A high-frequency current pulse that results from a PD. In a shielded power cable, the pulse propagates away from the PD source in both directions along the cable.
shielded cable: A cable in which an insulated conductor is enclosed in a grounded conducting envelope.
tests: For the purpose of this guide, several test categories arc considered:
a) off-line testing: The cable system under test is disconnected from the service power source and energized from a separate field-test power supply.
From the application point of view, there are three categories of tests:
1) installation test: A field test conducted after cable installation but before the application of joints or terminations.
2) acceptance test: A field test made after cable system installation, including terminations and joints. but before the cable system is put into normal service.
3) maintenance test: A field test made during the operating life of a cable system.
b) From the technical point of view, there are three broad sets of tests:
1) diagnostic test: A field test made during the operating life of a cable system to assess the condition of the cable system and, in some cases, locate degraded regions that can result in a failure.
2) monitored withstand test: A diagnostic test in which a voltage of a predetermined magnitude is applied according to a withstand test procedure of voltage step and hold phase. During the test, other properties of the test object are monitored to help determine its condition and also evaluate if the test duration needs to be extended or may be reduced.
3) non-monitored or simple withstand test: A diagnostic test in which a voltage of a predetermined magnitude is applied according to a withstand test procedure of voltage step and hold phase. If the test object withstands the test it is deemed to have passed the test.IEEE Std 400.4 pdf download.

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