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IEEE Std 1788 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1788 pdf free download.Interval Arithmetic.
1.5 Word usage
In this standard three words are used to differentiate between different levels of requirements and optionality. as follows:
may fl1(liCRtC5 a course of action I)(r!I1issi1)l( wit)iiii the liiiiits of 11w staIl(Iar(l with ho 11111)11(1(1 pr(f(reh1(’o’ (mav” means is permitted to”);
shall in(hcates man(latorv requirements strictly to be followed to conform to the standard and from which ho (leviatiohl is I)erhhhitte(1 (“shall’ mcaiis i5 reqiiircol to” );
SI1OUI(l ihl(licates that among several pOSSii)ilitics, 01W 1S recohhhmnen(le(l I)artiCtLlarly suital)le, without mentioning or excluding others; or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required; or that (in the liegat lye form) a certaimi course of action is deprecated 1)111 hot prohhil)ited ( bb” hiwalis is recommcn(le(1 to ).
optional indicates features that may be omitted. but if provided shall 1)e provided exactly as specified;
can is used for stateiiients of possibility and capability (“caii” iiieatis ‘his able to”);
might indicates the possibility of a situation that could occur, with no implication of the likelihood of that situation ( inight” 111CU1S COUl(l possil)ly’);
comprise indicates nlduhl)ers of a set or list are exactly those objects having some property. An unqnalifie(l consist of merely asserts all members of a set have some property, e.g., a binary floating-point format consists of iiumbers wit 11 a terminating binary representat ion . Coniprises’ ineaiis consists exactly of.”
Example intro(luces text that is informative (is not a requirenwnt of tills stan(lard). Such text is set iii slanted san.serif font within brackets. lExample. Like this.]
1.6 The meaning of conformance
Clause 4 lists the reqUirements on a conforming implemimentation in sunnnary form, with references to where these are state(l in (letail.
1.7 Programming environment considerations
This standard does not define all aspects of a conforming prograinmilig environ iiient. Such behavior should be defined by a progrtiiimnimg language deflumit lOIh S1I))OrtihIg t his standard, if available; ot 1icrvise v a particular implementation. Sonic programming language specifications might permit some 1)ehaviors to he defined by the implementation.
Language—defined behavior should be defined by a progrannnmg language standard supporting this stali— (lar(l. Standards for languages intended to reproduce results exactly on all platforiiis are expecte(l to specify behavior more tightly than do staiidards for languag’es intended to niaxilnize perforiiiance on every plat.f rimi.
Because this standarol requires facilities that are hot currently aVailal)le ll COllhhhiOhl programming languages, time standards for such laiiguages might not be able to conform fully to this standard if they are no longer being revised. If the language caii l)e eXtehl(le(l by a function library or class or package to provide a cohiforihung environment, then that extension should define all the language—defined behaviors that would normally be (lefihlC(l i)y a language statidarol.
Implementation—defined behavior is defined by a specific iiiipletiientat.ion of a specific prograllinhing environment conforming to this standard. Iiiipleinentatioiis define behaviors not specified by this standard tior by aiiy relevatit prograllihhaing language standard or prograuninhmig language extension. Conformance to this standard is a property of a specific iniplemnemitatiomi of a specific programming environimient. rather thaii of a language specification. However, a language stan(lard could also be said to conform to this standard if it were constructed so that every conforming implementation of that language also conformed auitoniatically to this standard.IEEE Std 1788 pdf download.

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