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IEEE Std C37.12.1 pdf free download

IEEE Std C37.12.1 pdf free download.Instruction Manual Content of AC High- Voltage Circuit Breakers above 1 000 V.
4. Recommended instruction manual contents
4.1 General
Sublause 4.2 through 4.16 lists the recommended subjects that should be contained in the instruction manual for circuit breakers. It provides an outline of the clause headings or topics that should be included. A manufacturer may always add additional information that they deem to be appropriate and relevant, including new issues and topics as they arise in the future. Health, safety, and environmental instructions are to be provided by the manufacturer.
This recommended practice does not list specific data or information for a circuit breaker instruction manual since each type and model of circuit breaker will have unique characteristics.
Some items may not apply to a specific technology of circuit breaker. When requesting or specifying certain types of information for inclusion in the instruction manual, users should be aware of the instruction manual’s impact on the circuit breaker’s delivery. For example, some information is only available after production tests are complete. items that are not applicable should not be included in the instruction manual.
Suggested headings for the circuit breaker instruction manual that apply to all circuit breakers are outlined in 4.2 through 4.16.
Manufacturers may alter the order of these headings and add additional topics as appropriate.
4.2 General description of the circuit breaker
The description should include the name of the manufacturer; the specific type and model of circuit breaker to which the instruction manual pertains; general description of interrupter and mechanism; the date of issue; and the instruction manual number with revision number, if applicable.
4.3 Safety and precautions
Safety instructions for the circuit breaker and any of its components and features should be included along with safety data sheet (SDS) documentation. Product safety signs and labels should be in accordance with
ANSI Z535.4.
4.4 Receiving, handling, and storage instructions
Recommended receiving, handling, and both short-term and long-term storage instructions for the circuit breaker and any of its components should be included. It should also include any special instructions for transportation of the circuit breaker after it has been initially received by the user.
For SF6 circuit breakers, summarized information from, or reference to, IEEE Std C37. 122.3T1 is considered as the minimum information required in this clause. Preferably, manufacturers will include the basic handling instructions equivalent to these documents along with supplementary requirements specific to their circuit breaker. The handling of SF6 should be covered with references to SF6 standards.
4.5 Circuit breaker installation and assembly instructions
The instructions for field installation and assembly including any necessary instruction for the filling of the circuit breaker with the intended fluid, gas, or gas mixture, and adjustment of all systems including gas, hydraulic, or mechanical systems should be provided. For some circuit breakers, it may be appropriate to include instructions for partial disassembly of the circuit breaker so that major subcomponents can be returned to the manufacturer or installed as manufacturer-adjusted subassemblies.
IEEE Std C37.12.1 pdf download.

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