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AS NZS ISO IEC IEEE 21841 pdf free download

AS NZS ISO IEC IEEE 21841 pdf free download.Systems and software engineering – Taxonomy of systems of systems.
5 Taxonomies for systems of systems
5.1 General
SoS taxonomies organize the relevant aspects or essential characteristics of SoS, providing specific viewpoints that align with stakeholder concerns. Taxonomies can have some overlap in their construction, but the lack of orthogonality does not inhibit their application.
Since most of the taxonomies are not explicitly named, they are most often referenced in practice by the author’s names or the names of the taxa. Consequently, the taxonomies are presented using the taxa names themselves, using the author’s order.
5.2 Taxa: directed, acknowledged, collaborative and virtual
5.2.1 Overview
In this taxonomy, SoS are classified according to the degree of managerial and operational independence. Four types are defined: directed, acknowledged, collaborative and virtual.
This taxonomy is mature, originating in the work of Maier (1998)16], expanded by Dahmann and Baldwin (2008)191 and published as an informative annex in ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288. Maier’s observation was that SoS are not simply systems in which the constituents are also systems. One essential characteristic is that constituent systems within the SoS are operationally independent. Operational independence means that the CS are able to usefully operate independently, that is, fulfil customer purposes on their own. Consequently, SoS deal with multiple consumers that can have different priorities and expectations. Unlike a system, which has been designed to fulfill a purpose and an expected quality of service, the quality of service within an SoS can be subject to additional variation.
Another essential characteristic is that the CS within the SoS are managerially independent. The CS operate with each other to produce the SoS capabilities; however, managerial independence means that the CS also not only can but do operate independently from each other. This suggests that the CS are managed independently, and that these organizations can have different goals and objectives for the CS. If so, the degree of independence of governance can be more appropriate than the degree of independence of management. Regardless of the means of managing the organizations, alignment (or lack thereof) in the goals and objectives affect the system of systems.
5.2.2 Description of the taxa Directed
The strongest governance relations apply to directed SoS, where an SoS organization has authority over all of the CS even though the CS were not originally engineered to support the SoS. All aspects of the CS of the SoS fall under that authority from the point at which they become an element of the SoS. In a directed SoS, CS are very strongly aligned managerially and operationally. Acknowledged
Somewhat less control is afforded for acknowledged SoS, where allocated authority between the CS and the SoS has an impact on the application of some of the SE processes. For the acknowledged SoS, although the authority for the CS is distributed, there are agreements to work together under a designated management structure to have an SoS authority and manage the SoS. In an acknowledged SoS, CS are less strongly aligned managerially and operationally than in a directed SoS and can fulfill additional customer-operator purposes on their own.AS NZS ISO IEC IEEE 21841 pdf free download.

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