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IEEE Std 802.15.8 pdf free download

IEEE Std 802.15.8 pdf free download.Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications for Peer Aware Communications (PAG).
5.4.2 Physical layer (PHY)
The PIIY provides two services: the PIIY layer data entity (PLDE) service and the PIIY layer management entity (PLME) service with interfaces PLDE-SAP and PLME-SAP, respectively. The PLDE service enables the transmission and reception of PHY protocol data units (PPDUs) across the physical radio channel. The general PHY requirements are described in Clause 9 and the PHY services are described in Clause 10.
The features of the PHY are activation and deactivation of the radio transceiver, energy detection (ED), channel quality indicator (CQI). channel switching. clear channel assessment (CCA), and transmitting and receiving packets across the physical medium. The UWB PHY supports precision ranging.
A discussion of the coexistence of the various IEEE 802.15.8 PHYs with other wireless systems is given in llernandez et al. [B i].5
5.4.3 MAC layer
The MAC layer provides two services: the MAC layer data entity (MLDE) service and the MAC layer management entity (MIME) service with interfaces MLDE-SAP and MIME-SAP, respectively. The MLDE enables the transmission and reception of MAC frames across the PHY layer. The MAC functional description is detailed in Clause 6.
The features of the MAC layer are channel scan, distributed synchronization, resource elements management, acknowledged frame delivery, discovery, peering, dc-peering, and support of relative positioning. In addition, the MAC layer provides security mechanisms.
5.5 Functional overview of the general functions of PAC networks
5.5.1 Superframe structure
The operation of the PAC network as specified by this standard is based on a superframc structure that repeats continuously in back-to-back time periods. The superframe consists of the synchronization period,the discovery period, the peering period and a communication period that is subdivided into a contention access period (CAP), and a contention free period (CFP). The detailed superframe structure is specified in
5.5.2 Cyclic-superframe
For efficient synchronized group communication, the PAC MAC superfrarne uses a period of fixed length. For the application to choose a duty-cycle of activity to suit the particular traffic needs of its peer group and to reduce interference between adjacent PDs or PAC groups. the cyclic-superframe is specified. The cyclicsuperframe is a periodic time interval comprising multiple superframes with specified active and inactive periods repeated in a specified sequence. During inactive periods, a PD may turn off its receiver, etc., to conserve power. The cyclic superframe shall be overridden when the next higher layer requests to use a given period of the superframe in the current and subsequent superfrarnes if required (the MAC layer does not need to wait until the change of cyclic-superframe configuration is completed). Once the cyclicsuperframe configuration is completed. the MAC layer shall resume operation with the new cyclic superframe configuration. The details of the cyclic-superframe structure are specified in 6.3.1.
The support of cyclic superframe is mandatory for the OFDM PHY (Clause 11) and optional for the UWB PHY (Clause 13).
5.5.3 Communication types
Communication types used in this standard are categorized as unicast, multicast and broadcast transmission.
— Unicast is a one-to-one data communication between a pair of PDs.
— Multicast is a one-to-many or many-to-many data communication to specific PDs in a group. I3roadcast is a onc-to-many data communication to all PDs within reachable range.
5.5.5 Discovery
Discovery is the procedure for a PD to detect other PDs in the surroundings. The MAC supports one-way discovery, untargeted two-way discovery, and targeted two-way discovery for Clause 11 and Clause 12. For UWB PHY, discovery is based on using the sync frame as per 6.14.5.
For one-way discovery, the discovery information is transmitted in a time-frequency matrix, which is divided into a set of discovery resource elements of 21 octets each. The PD’s next higher layer selects a discovery resource element to transmit its discovery information, or scans such discovery resource elements to detect other PDs’ discovery information.IEEE Std 802.15.8 pdf download.

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