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IEEE Std 1679.1 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1679.1 pdf free download.Characterization and Evaluation of Lithium-Based Batteries in Stationary Applications.
5. Technology description
5.1 General
Refer to Clause 5 of IEEE Std 1679-2010. This clause describes the main lithium-based technologies that are either used or are being considered for stationary battery applications. These include lithium-ion (Liion), lithium-ion polymer (LiPo), lithium-metal polymer (LMP) and lithium-sulfur (Li-S).
Lithium-based batteries use lithium metal or some other source of lithium ions in the negative electrode. During the battery discharge, the lithium ions travel to the positive electrode, which can be one of various materials, including a transition metal oxide, a transition metal phosphate, a sulfur compound, or even oxygen in the atmosphere or water. The electrolyte is typically a conductive salt in an organic liquid solution, or a conductive polymer.
The information provided in this clause relates predominantly to Li-ion technology, as this technology is by far the most widely used. Differences between Li-ion and other lithium battery technologies are highlighted where appropriate.
Lithium-based batteries typically comprise cells and associated management systems. In many cases these batteries are assembled by the cell manufacturer, and in others an integrator assembles cells from a third party with the integrator’s management systems. In both cases, the provider is referred to in this document as the manufacturer.
5.2 Storage medium
5.2.1 General
Li-ion batteries are the most common lithium-based battery type, and include a wide range of chemistries that all operate in the same general manner. The traditional Li-ion battery has a negative electrode (commonly referred to as the anode), typically a layered carbon; a positive electrode (cathode), typically a lithiated metal oxide or lithiated metal phosphate; and an electrolyte containing a lithium salt in an organic solvent. On discharge, lithium ions flow from between the carbon layers in the negative to the oxide layers in the positive. On charge, the lithium ions flow in reverse. moving back into the carbon layers. This process is known as intercalation and referred to colloquially as a ‘rocking chair’ reaction.
Figure 1 shows a representation of the Li-ion reaction mechanism for a typical chemistry with metal oxide positive and carbon (graphite) negative materials.
During manufacturing, the first charge of a lithium-based cell forms a passivation layer, known as the solid-electrolyte interphase (SE!) on the surface of the negative electrode. This layer prevents an uncontrolled reaction between the electrolyte and lithium ions in the negative material, and its stability is critical for the life and safety of lithium-based cells (see 6.3). One exception to this principle is LTO negative material, which has an electrode potential that is sufficiently high that the material is stable with respect to the electrolyte and does not form an SE!.
LiPo is a variant of the lithium-ion battery. LiPo batteries use similar materials to Li-ion, with the main difference being that the electrolyte is immobilized in a polymer matrix that also binds the electrodes together and allows for flexibility in cell geometry (see
LMP technology uses a lithium metal alloy as the negative and a metal oxide or phosphate positive. The electrolyte is an ionically conductive solid polymer that may operate at a slightly elevated temperature (e.g., 40 °C to 60 °C) to improve its conductivity. LMP continues to be the subject of ongoing research and development and, at the time of publication of this document, one company was in commercial production of LMP batteries and at least two others were working to bring variants of LMP technology to market.IEEE Std 1679.1  pdf download.

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