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IEEE Std 1680.1a pdf free download

IEEE Std 1680.1a pdf free download.Environmental and Social Responsibility Assessment of Computers and Displays Amendment 1: Editorial and Technical Corrections and Clarifications.
Tools that are utilizing reduction approaches a), b), or c) (described below) may be excluded from the calculation, given that these approaches are known to result in a 90% or better F-GHG reduction. If all manufacturing and ancillary operations tools for all fabs in scope utilize reduction options a), b), or c). then no F-GHG reduction calculation is necessary.
Reduction Approaches:
a) Installation (new or retrofitted), operation and maintenance of emission control technology designed specifically to recycle, remove or destroy F-GIIG emissions used in the production of flat panel displays,
b) Utilization of a gas(cs) with global warming potential (GWP) of 2300 or less,
c) Use of NF3 remote plasma clean for cleaning chemical vapor deposition (CVD) chambers (only in combination with methods a) andlor b) above),
d) Other reduction approaches that can be demonstrated to sufficiently reduce F-GHG emissions in accordance with this criterion. These may include, but are not limited to, process optimization. process change(s), use of gases that results in lower emissions, on a C02e basis, than the gases replaced, for example due to a higher utilization rate (after consideration of by-product generation), etc.
A maximum of two optional points may be claimed for this criterion. If all products declared by the manufacturer to conform to this standard do not contain flat panel displays, manufacturers shall declare “Not Applicable.”
This criterion shall be declared the same in all countries or regions for which the product is declared to conform to this standard. The approach used to conform to this criterion may vary by country or region.
Applies to: All manufacturers with products declared to conform to this standard. Verification requirements:
a) Declaration that manufacturer met the requirements of this criterion for 75% of suppliers of flat panel displays in products declared to conform to this standard, by annual spend (fiscal or calendar).
b) Supplier letter(s) or documentation that indicates the following:
1) Which of the two performance results in Table 4 are being demonstrated, and
2) The extent to which each fab is covered (e.g., at the supplier level, fab level, or for the portion of the fab used in products declared to conform to this standard for the manufacturer). and
3) If performance is demonstrated for a portion of fab operations, the supplier shall provide the manufacturer with an explanation of how the relevant portions of the impacted fab(s) have been accounted for and/or calculated in order to demonstrate that the 90% emission reduction was achieved without including the non-relevant portions (e.g., allocation of F-GHGs used in manufacturing the flat panel displays for the product or product type vs. other products).
Replace the text, table, and equations of 4. 1.10.2 with the following:
Corporate criterion: Manufacturer shall meet the requirements of Part A for one point, and both Part A and Part B for two points total. The scope of Part A and Part B of this criterion shall include all 300 mm process semiconductor manufacturing facilities (fabs) that produce semiconductor components (e.g., CPUs, DRAM, accelerators) in products declared to conform to this standard for the manufacturer, from 75% of all the manufacturer’s semiconductor component suppliers, by annual spend (fiscal or calendar) for those products. Supplier may include other semiconductor components; requirements may be met at the supplier level, fab level, or for the portion of the fab used in products declared to conform to this standard for the manufacturer.IEEE Std 1680.1a pdf download.

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