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IEEE Std 3001.2 pdf free download

IEEE Std 3001.2 pdf free download.Evaluating the Electrical Service Requirements of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems.
4.2 Utility/designer communication
Each utility differs in its service policies and requirements. Therefore, establish communications with the major account representative, or service design professional of the supplying utility so that their requirements can be incorporated in the facility’s plans, equipment specifications, and commissioning documents. This is a two-way path of communications. The utility needs information about the proposed loads to be connected (refer to 5.4). The facility’s electrical designers need information about the utility’s electrical distribution system characteristics (refer to 5.5). The designer should obtain from the utility company a range of possible available fault current at the point where the utility connects. Obtaining only the maximum theoretical value is not adequate for the eventual analysis of arc flash on the user’s distribution system. It is important to also know what is the possible minimum fault current available, as well as the maximum worst case available fault current.
4.3 Service availability
4.3.1 Service voltage
The service voltage selected and its characteristics for primary or secondary service are based on the utility’s distribution standards and the voltage grids in the specific area of the facility. The utility should be contacted to determine the available voltages based on the load to be served and, in some cases, the geographic location of the load. The designer may become aware of service voltages provided to customers in the service area that are no longer available. Such services continue to be offered oniy to existing facilities and are not typically offered to new facilities.
Service is usually available at the utilization voltages, such as 240 V delta (3-phase/3-wire), 120/240 V high- leg delta (3-phase/4-wire), 208Y/120 V. 480Y/277 V, or 600Y/347 V. Utilities may have kilowatt demand limitations for each specific voltage. When the facility’s load becomes too large to be supplied at the utilization voltage, due to excessive cost or excessive voltage drop. the facility should be supplied at a distribution voltage, typically. but not limited to. 4.16 kV, 12.47 kV. 13.2 kV, 13.8 kV, 26 kV, or 34.5 kV. In the case of large facilities, it may also be economically feasible to connect to the utility transmission line system. A primary substation is used to step the voltage down from transmission line levels to medium-voltage levels. Refer to 8.6 and Clause 11.
If the customer owns the medium-voltage distribution system, then the associated equipment, including transformers, should be purchased and installed by the customer. The exception would be if the utility provides all or part of the medium-voltage distribution system. in return for the right to sell power directly to tenants, or when the utility and the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) permit more than one service in the building. In the latter case, the utility may consider each service as a separate customer, and usually the bills will be higher than a single bill.
4.3.2 Service type
The designer should discuss the type of services available in the service area supplying the facility with the utility service design professional. Services may be underground. open wire aerial, or lashed aerial cable. In addition, the utility may offer dual-service options or dedicated lines for special customer load requirements.IEEE Std 3001.2 pdf download.

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