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IEEE Std 2777 pdf free download

IEEE Std 2777 pdf free download.Operaton of 300 MW to 600 MW Pulverized Coal-Fired Boiler.
4.2.4 Light of Main considerations after light off of the boiler are listed as follows to maintain stable combustion, as well as the safety of the furnace and water and steam system: — Keep the fow rate of air or the fue gas of the forced draft and inducted draft fan above 25% BMCR. — The function of the fame scanner for a burner should be established to help ensure the fre of any other burner is not detected, fame monitoring should be strengthened after light off, and oil guns should be alternated during the furnace warm-up to make the heating more uniform. Soot blowing for the De- NOx device and air heater should be conducted in a timely manner. — When low-oil/oil-free ignition technology is used, measures to enhance combustion should be performed to stabilize the fame and promote the burnout degree of pulverized coal. The soot blowing of the DeNOx device and air heater should be continuous. The ash handling system under the DeNOx device and air heater should keep operating to discharge the blown soot in time. — During light off, the water level of the steam drum, separator, or separator drain tank should be monitored and controlled carefully to avoid a feeding water failure because it changes sharply when accompanied with light off due to the function of the fuid swelling phenomenon. — Drainage should be discharged in a timely manner, and no accumulated drain should occur.4.2.5 Placing the pulverized coal burner into service More care should be taken during the servicing of the first batch of coal burners to ensure successful ignition and to keep the coal flame stable, as follows: — The primary air heater for ignition should be placed into service frst if low-oil/oil-free ignition is used. The pulverizer in the direct-fred system can be started up when the primary air temperature at the pulverizer entrance reaches the low limitation suggested by the supplier of the low-oil/oil-free igniter. — The fame condition should be monitored when a pulverized coal burner is placed into service. If no fame is detected, the burner should be removed from service immediately and be purged, waiting for the furnace temperature to increase to the lowest limits. If the ignition fails two times in a row, the burner service should be suspended until the reason is discovered. — The fame condition of the tertiary air burner (if equipped) should be monitored for the boiler with a storage pulverizer system after the pulverizer is placed into service. — The oxygen content in fuel gas, ratio of air fuel, ratio of primary air fow rate and secondary air, and so on should be adjusted after the coal burner is placed into service to maintain stability and effcient combustion and furnace pressure. — Precipitators, desulfurization, and the De-NOx system should be placed into service according to the running condition to help ensure the emission of fue gas including dust, Sox, and NOx conforms to environmental regulations.IEEE Std 2777 pdf download.

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