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IEEE Std 1871.2 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1871.2 pdf free download.IEEE 1671 Test Equipment Templates and Extension Classes for Describing Intrinsic Signal Path Information for Cables, Interface Adapters, and Test Equipment.
4.2.2 PinPath extension of te:Path
PinPa th extends the te: Path complex type defined in IEEE Std 1671-2010 with the following 10 elements:
— ContactResistance that is of type c:double with minQccurs=O. This element shall be the resistance resulting from the conductivity between this pin and the mating pin, measured in ohms (2).
— Capacitance that is of type c:double with minOccurs=O. This element shall be the measure of capacitance, measured in farads (F).
— Inductance that is of type c:double with minOccurs=O. This element shall be the measure of inductance, measured in henries (H).
BondResistance that is of type C: double with minOccurs=O. This element shall be the resistance resulting from the bonding material used to attach the pin to the wire, measured in ohms (Q).
— CucoffFrequency that is of type ax:cutoffFrequency(see 4.3.3) with rnaxQccurs=unbounded.
This element shall be the upper and lower frequencies at which fixed path component drops 3 dB or another reference amount.
— PowerRating that is of type ax:PowerRating (see 4.3.6) with maxOccurs=unbounded. This element shall be the maximum power level allowed by the cable.
— EMlthat is of type ax:EMI (see 4.3.4) with minOccurs=O. This element shall be the electromagnetic interference.
InsertionLoss that is of type c:double with minOccurs=O. This element shall be the reduction in power, amplitude, current, resulting from the insertion of the fixed path component, expressed in decibels (dB).
— PropagationDelay that is of type c:double with minOccurs=O. This element shall be the time interval required for a signal to move through the fixed-path component.
— Extension that is of type c:Extension with minOccurs=O. This element shall provide a specific extension point for use cases that require elements not provided in the basic structure.
4.2.3 SwitchPath extension of te:Path
Swi tchPa th extends the te: Path complex type defined in IEEE Std 167 1-2010 with the following 18 elements:
Offset voltage that is of type c:double with minOccurs=Q. This element shall be the voltage that is produced between contact terminals due to the temperature gradient across the relay contacts, and the reed-to-terminal junctions of dissimilar metals, measured in volts (V).
— OffsetCurrent that is of type c:double with minOccurs=O. This element shall be the current that comes from a switching card even though no signals are applied, measured in amperes (A).
IsolationResi stance that is of type c:double with minOccurs=O. This element shall be the measure of leakage resistance between paths on the switch, measured in ohms .
— InsertionLoss that is of type ax:InsertionLoss with minOccurs=O. This element shall be a measure of the decrease in signal magnitude due to the switch in the signal path.
Capacitance that is of type c:double with minOccurs=O. This element shall be a measure of capacitance as a result from the relay on the switch, meassured in farads (F).
— Inductance that is of type c:double with minOccurs=O. This element shall be a measure of inductance as a result from the relay on the switch, measured in henries (H).
— Crosstalk that is of type ax:Crosstalk (see 4.3.2) with minOccurs=O. This element shall be a measure of high frequency signal leakage from one channel to another.
IEEE Std 1871.2  pdf download.

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