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IEEE Std C37.82 pdf free download

IEEE Std C37.82 pdf free download.Qualification of Switchgear Assemblies for Class 1 E Applications in Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
4. Service conditions
4.1 General
The service conditions in the application shall be analyzed to determine if significant aging mechanisms are present. An aging mechanism is significant if subsequent to manufacture, while in storage, and!or in the normal and abnormal service environment, it results in degradation of the equipment that progressively and appreciably renders the equipment vulnerable to failure to perform its safety function(s) under design basis event conditions. Potential significant aging mechanisms include the following:
a) Wear and tear from routine operation
b) Application that is not encompassed by the usual service conditions listed in IEEE Std C37.20. 1, IEEE Std C37.20.2, IEEE Std C37.23, or IEEE Std C37.20.3
c) Radiation is in excess of 100 Gy (1 0 rads) equivalent gamma total integrated dose over 40 years
d) Other unusual service conditions such as chemical spray or vibration
If the equipment has a significant aging mechanism, then the mechanism shall be accounted for in the qualification program. Aging, as part of the qualification program, may be addressed by age conditioning of a test sample prior to design basis event testing. Age conditioning is not required for equipment without significant aging mechanisms.
NOTE—For switchgear assemblies and components used in typical nuclear power plant applications, wear and tear from routine operation is the only significant aging mechanism.
4.2 Usual service conditions
4.2.1 General
The values given as usual service conditions represent the anticipated average conditions for switchgear assemblies in nuclear power generating stations. These values are recommended for use in generic qualification programs and do not imply a derating of the equipment.
4.2.2 Ambient temperature
A yearly average ambient temperature of 30 °C with temperature excursions to 10 °C and 40 °C is considered usual. Switchgear assemblies used at ambient temperatures in excess of 40 °C shall be evaluated to determine the impact of the ambient temperature on the qualified life. A thermal aging analysis shall be performed on nonmetallic components. The thermal aging analysis shall combine the excessive ambient temperature and the average continuous current loading (see 4.2. 10) to determine the impact on the qualified life of the equipment.
4.2.3 Relative humidity
Relative humidity variations between 10% and 90% are considered usual, if the equipment is installed in an environmental where the humidity exceeds 90% then supplemental testing shall be conducted to meet higher humidity conditions.
4.2.4 Altitude
Altitudes of up to 2000 m (6600 ft) above sea level for metal-enclosed low-voltage power circuit breaker switchgear and up to 1000 m (3300 ft) for metal-clad switchgear. metal-enclosed interrupter switchgear and metal-enclosed bus are considered usual.
4.2.5 Radiation Radiation exposure of up to 100 Gy (104 rads) equivalent gamma total integrated dose over the qualified life is considered usual, and does not require evaluation. Radiation exposure greater than 100 Gy (104 rads) equivalent gamma total integrated dose shall be evaluated to determine the impact on qualified life.
4.2.6 Line voltage The line voltage shall be specified for the application. Voltage ratings as specified in IEEE Std C37.20.1, IEEE Std C37.20.2, IEEE Std C37.20.3, IEEE Std C37.20.4, and IEEE Std C37.23 are considered usual. Switching surges of up to twice peak line-to-neutral voltage may occur occasionally, but Class 1E switchgear installations are usually not exposed to lightning surges.
IEEE Std C37.82  pdf download.

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